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  1. Arkday – very valid point
    many jazz muscians were successful in Paris and London
    But I would venture to say a lot of that had to do with racial acceptance and freedome esp in Paris…

  2. Gem- You may not like Chinese music or think it could be popular but then again, when jazz first came out and rock and rock and roll, the screaming was everywhere. You’re arguing from a Western standpoint. Things look very different when you’re in another part of the world.

  3. “If your ears aren’t adjusted to atonal music you’re not going to enjoy atonal music unless you’re fried.”

    don’t listen to dark french techno music while trippin on salvia – you might freak the hell out

  4. By gemini10 on January 10, 2011 5:16 PM

    Bxgrl – ok I HIGHLY doubt it!

    you don’t think chinese are capable of creating better music than – say – sleigh bells, who are the most hyped up karaoke band ever?

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