Brooklyn has seen its share of exciting burger news lately, and now you can add another one to the list. Smashbuger, a chain based in Denver, is moving into the ground-floor retail space at 80 Dekalb. It should open in mid-April, the first of three locations to hit the borough. The burgers are smashed, seasoned, and seared on the griddle…who’s had one? Smashburger is also concocting a “Brooklynburger,” although its ingredients haven’t been revealed yet.
Smashburger Will Land in Fort Greene [NY Times] GMAP

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  1. “just give me a big pattie, cheese on both sides, mustard, half sour pickle on the side, dr pepper, thick napkins – I would be good to go.”

    m4l, damn, that sounds good! I’d just add ketchup, and make that a Diet Dr. Pepper. Bacon would be good, too.

  2. “Using it as a replacement term for “gentrifier” or “hipster” or whatever doesn’t make sense.”

    uhh yeah, because things can’t have different meanings. that’s why kids say things are “the shit” when they are expressing satisfaction. if something is “da bomb” it is not necessarily a device with a timer that explodes.

    rob’s definition of moonface is hipster/gentrifier and it makes sense in the context in which he uses it.

    thanks for reminding me about the term butterface though – that’s a good one

  3. Looks like you can get a cheeseburger, fries, and a beer for $10 before tax. Knock a couple off if you want your Dr. Pepper.

    Including a beer? Now I know what happens to “retired” central park carriage horses.

  4. Moonface is a physical characteristic. It is a person who has a round face, shaped like the moon. It is in the same category as horse face, butter face, dish face, pan face, rat face, or mouse face. Anybody can have a moonface just like anybody can have a horse face. It has nothing to do with race, the amount of money one has, the amount of time that has elapsed since one has moved to New York, or the type of burger establishments one frequents.

    Using it as a replacement term for “gentrifier” or “hipster” or whatever doesn’t make sense.

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