Brooklyn Burger Invasion Continues
Brooklyn has seen its share of exciting burger news lately, and now you can add another one to the list. Smashbuger, a chain based in Denver, is moving into the ground-floor retail space at 80 Dekalb. It should open in mid-April, the first of three locations to hit the borough. The burgers are smashed, seasoned,…

Brooklyn has seen its share of exciting burger news lately, and now you can add another one to the list. Smashbuger, a chain based in Denver, is moving into the ground-floor retail space at 80 Dekalb. It should open in mid-April, the first of three locations to hit the borough. The burgers are smashed, seasoned, and seared on the griddle…who’s had one? Smashburger is also concocting a “Brooklynburger,” although its ingredients haven’t been revealed yet.
Smashburger Will Land in Fort Greene [NY Times] GMAP
hahaha zydeco – that’s awesome.
Some burger fun from xtranormal. Just be glad I didn’t do the “moonface” part.
diet dr pepper is best diet soda out there
dr pepper is awesome
yes, and yes.
Also, I wish more places had Dr. Pepper. It’s one the best sodas in my world.
Moonfaces tend to come from the middle of the country, right?
Not sure why I care. I could never be a moonface.
“m4l, damn, that sounds good! I’d just add ketchup, and make that a Diet Dr. Pepper. Bacon would be good, too.”
Sure Cgar, the diet Dr. Pepper makes up for the bacon, right?
Moonfaces bring some parental support with them. Rob too broke to be a moonface.
Shoots and leaves you crack me up.
I walk by here everyday. I’ll be trying it.