Will somebody please put this listing out of its misery and buy it! The brownstone at 1418 Pacific Street in Crown Heights has been on the market for more than three years by our calculations. It was an Open House Pick in April 2007 when it was asking $999,999. The price now is down to $700,000, which has to be getting close to the market-clearing number given the amount of original architectural detail and the proximity to the Brooklyn Children’s Museum. What’s it gonna take?
1418 Pacific Street [Brooklyn Properties] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. About the turn of topic in this CHN HOTD thread:

    I sure hope Dibs does not run into a group of strong, young Asian men. It is hard to tell what might happen.

  2. People seem to be ignoring *Rob’s* fear-of-black-men comment, and perhaps that’s the best response, but I’ve got to say that anyone who avoids groups of black men has a very unfortunate problem, for which help should be sought.

    I know the vast majority of posters would agree.

  3. Very late to the action here, but just wanted to note that I walked along Pacific Street and the Albany Houses a few days ago on a visit to Weeksville (my first ever; I highly recommend it). And nothing happened. Did see some kids riding bicycles, women sitting on project benches and a house being renovated. Oh, and an old gent extended his hand over his gate to say “hello.”

    We agreed it was a nice day.

    Nostalgic on Park Avenue

  4. And, *Rob*, there is no need to “cross the street or turn the other way when [you] see a group of young black men walking towards” you.

    Unless, of course you’re in a dark alleyway and the men (regardless of their race) look like thugs. Then you should flee.

    But really… there is no need to avoid groups of black men.

  5. Interesting thread.

    Lets face it… crime (and the perception of potential crime) is an inherent part of NYC real estate, as is generalities about crime (and perceived crime).

  6. mm, cool, okay we can agree on that. it’s just like the projects.. it only takes a SMALL amount of people to make it a living hell for a ton of people.. obviously most of the people living there are just living their daily lives doing to work, school, whatever, not causing harm, but yeah there is always a small group that seem to have just enough power and moreso a threatening power that gives everything a bad name and sullies the good reputation of people who live there. that has always been the case.

    look at the crazy history of the cabrini green housing projects in chicago. they were turned into basically a warzone in the late 80s/early 90s.. was it most of the residents? hells no, it was just a very powerful group of people who terrorized the place and took over.. so of course any sane person would stay far away from them as possible.

    someone mentioned it in another thread recently, but i honestly think that gang activity should be treated and looked at as a form of domestic terrorism. i mean look who is getting hurt and killed most of the time? yeah, as a gay person i could probably walk thru crown heights and not get shot in the face, chances are basically minimal unless it’s a random stray bullet. but who IS getting shot? that is what is very upsetting, and i swear there is a certain sentiment of, well let “them” all kill each other. um, NO. when do we finally (like ALL of us) take responsibility of this crap? we ALL made the mess, it’s time for ALL of us to fix it up.

    straight up, ill be honest with you, do i like the fact that i cross the street or turn the other way when i see a group of young black men walking towards? hells no. do i cross the street? yes. there is a serious cognitive dissonance in this country when it comes to race relations and it stems from really not having a good discorse (discourse? gack im going dumb) about it, not dealing with crime properly, and people growing up without realizing that there IS opportunity out there if you try, and even if you dont become rich and famous you can still live a great life by caring for your family, friends, neighbors.

    a while back, not so long ago, you got sorta pissy at me when i said that obama isnt doing much for the black community. other than the obvious fact of him being President, i dont feel like he is doing much all. but you said that isnt his role. why not? yes he has a ton of crap on his plate a TON, but i think there is something he can do that doesnt involve pandering and placating. i dont know, im just one gay white 30 something year old gay guy so my opinion probably doesnt hold too much weight, but i still think a lot can be done, and probably will be soon once we get out of the messes we are currently in.

    my goal as a future scientist is to invent a device that you carry on your body, that detects a bullet psychically before it’s about to hit you, reroutes itself, and shoots yourself in the face.

    tired of seeing innocent people, and even not so innocent people die from bullets and really stupid arguments about stupid stuff.


  7. Big Jugs, if you had any ability at reading comprehension, you’d see that I NEVER denied that we didn’t have crime. Nor did I ever say that the Albany projects were a bit o heaven. I also said nothing whatsoever about crime rates. I spent most of my time dealing with the anti-gay aspect of some of the posts.

    No duh, CH has a higher crime rate than Park Slope. I never said it didn’t. What’s your point? Do you win some kind of obvious award? I am well aware we aren’t perfect. I live here, unlike you. Does that make living here the worst thing in the world? Is every day some kind of primal struggle? Does that make it hard or impossible to enjoy a good life here? For most of us, no. We go about our business, to and from our jobs, and we enjoy our homes and our community. And many of us do what we can to improve the lives of those who have so much less. And that’s what makes this a great community. Maybe not for everyone, but it works for me, and a whole lot of others. Your comments are absurd, and the same tired old screed. The best thing you’ve come up with is a street boundary being wrong. Big whoop.

    And the intake center for the homeless of this city is NEVER going to be in Crown Heights.

  8. MM, it only takes a very small amount of people to make a neighborhood unfriendly for certain people. a VERY small amount. you know that, i know that, everyone knows that. no one is saying the a majority of crown heights resident feel that way, it would be absurd to even think that. but there is a small VERY vocal minority that DO make it unappealing and unwelcoming.

    Rob, that is true, and I more or less agree. If you had said that in the beginning, we would not have argued all day.

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