Hello- my parents currently rent out an apartment in Sunset Park. Their neighbor just rented one of their apartments to a couple of DJs. The music is disturbing my folks’ tenants. The bass is super loud and it plays most of the day and late into the night. On Friday the music went till 3 in the morning. Yesterday the music was pumping at 1130pm. Does the law indicate what time their music has to be at a certain decibel level? Do different days in the week have different times?

My parents tenant has gone to the owner three times. Each time the music stops, but will return shortly. Any suggestions on how to handle the situation without making the neighbor our enemy?

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  1. NYC Noise code summary and complete text can be found here:


    The summary – sort of – indicates 10PM as a cut-off time, although it does not specifically dictate noise generated by neighbors… perhaps the full-text does.

    In the past I’ve had good results with discussing the problem directly with the noise-maker. Sometimes they don’t realize they’re being so damn rude.

    If that fails to accomplish anything, I’ve had good results with knocking on the noisy-neighbor’s door during the “noise” and screaming at them while acting slightly more menacing than I am.

    I can be an intimidating presence, so this has worked. The few times they turned it back up, I’d knock and scream again. The point was to ruin their “good time” and make sure they got used to the idea that they risked a “knock and screaming” session every time they got loud. It’s not my favorite approach, but sometimes, I guess, you just have to “rule by fear”.

    Good luck on this… DJs what a talentless bunch.

  2. qwikazoid: Google “nuisance abatement law”. It comes right up and you will find a great deal. Maybe I can write more tomorrow. It is quite a process and I don’t think calling 311 will help with this. After you Google that main title, narrow your search with other key words that apply, such as “noise” and “music”. Good luck!

  3. Sounds terrible (pun intended). Keep a record of all the times you call the precinct and the response and then try your state senator and representative. If they call the police for you, you may get a much better response.

  4. 311 does nothing. You can’t even get through to them on a weekend. The phone rings and rings and rings. Any call to 911 is automatically diverted back to 311. It’s a JOKE. It’s pure BALONEY. LIES LIES LIES.

  5. After the fire at 57 Lincoln, I was subjected to the sound of defective fire doors going off 24/7 for days … right after the fire and then when they started renovations. I tried everyone from 311 to the contractor listed on the building, to no avail.

    Then I called the offices of Eric Adams. Not only did they get the beeping to stop, they fined the owners of the building for every time I called. During the renovations, someone from Eric’s office personally walked over and was good enough to regularly check in for about a week after, to make sure things were still quiet.

    If 311 fails, you might want to try his office. Maybe they can do something?

  6. 72nd Precinct? If yes, good luck to your folks. I have some ASSHOLES who live across the street from me. They put a live band in their apartment, complete with amps, mikes, and a large audience. Band goes on until 4-5am when they play (with their windows open of course). The sound literally vibrates my bedroom windows and when each song ends, I can hear the audience cheering and clapping as if they were standing next to my bed. Repeated calls to 311 and directly to the precinct does NOTHING. One night when they did bother to respond to the noise complaint, they drove up to the building, sat there for a minute observing the LARGE CROWDS of people going in and out of this obviously residential building, and then drove away. Continued calls that night resulted in the same thing, sometimes they barely slowed down the car. If your folks find something that works, please tell me.

  7. oh wow that does suck. here’s a tip to landlords: when you get a tenant application, do a quick facebook search for them. you might not be able to see their entire profile but chances are if they are DJ’s they will have their profile open to the public, or if anything, you will see their one main profile pic, and for some reason those types of people love to have their profile pic of them looking like real or phoney DJ’s. then just tear up their application. facebook is a much better screening tool than credit checks.

    maybe someone can ask them to get those sound proofing foam walls?
