My apt in Park Slope has a 100 yr old parquet floor. It has probably been sanded numerous times, and we sanded and poly’ed when we moved in a year ago. There is one particular square that for some reason is in particularly bad shape with some of the wood slats crumbling away. Looking at it, it looks like it has been repaired at some point since one of the slats doesnt match. The pieces are approx 12 inches by 1 inch and about one eigth inch deep. Currently there are 3 other slats in that square that are falling apart and coming out. How do I repair this? Can anyone recommend someone that could fix this for me, considering it is such a small job? The problematic square is smack in middle of our dining room so it gets a lot of foot traffic, so I would like to repair it.

Please see the attached photo. The bottom photo is the entire area, with the problem square in the upper right, and the upper photo is the problem square with some of the pieces that are crumbling. Thanks in advance for your help, any advice would be appreciated. I am particularly looking for recommendations for someone that can fix this since if I try myself I would probably make it worse. Thanks!

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  1. clean the surface . remove any underlayment such as cloth which is standard on old parquet
    some have paper.
    glue the boards with locktite stickit.
    its in the paint isle at home depot
    just because a board is old doesnt mean itll match even if its from the same house.if small chips are missing you may want to use some minwax pre colored soft filler.
    @ 1/8 that floor is almost past its life expectancy. It started @5/16

  2. I don’t know the exact address, but there is a store selling parquet flooring in the Kensington/Boro Park area (somewhere in the Church Avenue area west of McDonald). I plan to use them when I get around to restoring my parquet floors. They have replacement pieces for various types of parquet flooring. It might be this place:

    This and other Boro Park stores are written up at

  3. As part of a broader renovation in Prospect Heights, we may be pulling up an identical floor next month. A good portion is too worn to repair, but some is salvageable. Let me know if you might be interested –

  4. I’m no expert, but I used to have the same type of wood flooring in my park slope apt. Very, very thin boards that cracked, buckled and were very brittle. They would be easy to replace if you can find a suitable replacement, because there was no tongue and groove holding them together, so they would lift straight up. Keep your eyes open for someone throwing away simliar boards in the neighborhood. I had a stockpile of them at 551 4th street in the basement, if you know anyone who lives there now.