Selling 3 x 2.5 liter cans of Bioshield Resin & Oil Stain Finish – Walnut color.

Eco-friendly low VOC solution to staining your apartment floor. It retails for $90 per 2.5 liter can excl. shipping which adds a lot to the purchase price as you cannot buy it locally.

BioShield Resin Floor Finish will cover from 120 to 160 square feet per liter, depending on substrate absorbency and other variables so there is plenty here for an apartment with around 900-1100 sq ft of wood floor.

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  1. Forgot to put asking price up there, doh!
    $180 for all 3 cans – that’s 3 for the price of 2.
    You can contact me at logung at mac dot com