Talk about an alteration! In earlier days this was a three-story white frame home. (Property Shark photo after the jump.) After an alteration permit to extend the rear of the building by 153 feet, convert the basement into an office building, and create a 10 foot wide curb cut, it now looks like this. That is some stoop! GMAP P*Shark DOB


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  1. “stucco is not easier/cheaper to maintain than siding. Siding requires pretty much no maintenance at all. If you don’t maintain your stucco it can start to crack and look like shit.”

    Especially in a place that gets rain, snow, humidity, and sometimes extreme cold. Stucco barely holds up in the mild weather areas of California. I would never use it in a place that has 4 real seasons.

  2. Why does anybody think these very tall stoops are a good idea? Not only are they ugly, they are also — for the elderly and those carrying children or shopping –difficult to climb. Why not jog the stoop and put in a landing? I guess I don’t need to add that this is what the Victorians did!

  3. @insertsnappynamehere- stucco is not easier/cheaper to maintain than siding. Siding requires pretty much no maintenance at all. If you don’t maintain your stucco it can start to crack and look like shit. This house looks like it had really old siding though(probably from the 80s at least eeeek) I think its a change for the better.

  4. What if the city made it so you had to have your home improvement plans signed off by an architect? A real architect — like one who went to architecture school. And certified by the AIA.

  5. Emily,

    Where to start…

    The linked permit does indeed say the 17 ft c 40 ft building will be extended by 153 feet.

    The lot, per city records and Property Shark, is 17 ft x 128.5 ft.

    When you were linking that permit, did you happen to read through it? Near the bottom is a series of questions, one of which is:

    Performing a vertical or horizontal enlargement adding more than 25% of the area of the building: No

    They converted the basement to an office, and to recoup some of the lost space, added a one story addition that was 15.3 feet (or perhaps it was 15′ 3″).

    I don’t expect you to be perfect, but a smidge of common sense when something doesn’t pass the smell test would be just swell.

  6. There must be a typo on the length of that extension. In many ways this is an improvement to this end of the block. They cleaned up the vacant lot, and the building, but it is none too imaginative, and really done on the cheap.

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