Rental of the Day: 304 Henry Street, #4A
There’s nothing fancy about this two-bedroom rental at 304 Henry Street, in Brooklyn Heights, but it has a nice, clean feel to it. Overall a well-kept apartment with a decent amount of space. The roof deck and convenient location are obvious perks. Monthly rent: $3,500. Update: it’s rented! 304 Henry Street, #4A [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark

There’s nothing fancy about this two-bedroom rental at 304 Henry Street, in Brooklyn Heights, but it has a nice, clean feel to it. Overall a well-kept apartment with a decent amount of space. The roof deck and convenient location are obvious perks. Monthly rent: $3,500. Update: it’s rented!
304 Henry Street, #4A [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark
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