Open House Picks
Clinton Hill 303 Washington Avenue Brooklyn Properties Sunday 12-2 $2,300,000 GMAP P*Shark Park Slope 366 6th Avenue Brown Harris Stevens Sunday 2:30-4:30pm $1,950,000 GMAP P*Shark Fort Greene 169 Adelphi Street Massey Knakal Saturday 12-3 $1,600,000 GMAP P*Shark Prospect Park South 169 Stratford Road Mary Kay Gallagher Sunday 1-3:30pm $1,275,000 GMAP P*Shark Bedford Stuyvesant 730 Halsey…

Clinton Hill
303 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn Properties
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark
Park Slope
366 6th Avenue
Brown Harris Stevens
Sunday 2:30-4:30pm
GMAP P*Shark
Fort Greene
169 Adelphi Street
Massey Knakal
Saturday 12-3
GMAP P*Shark
Prospect Park South
169 Stratford Road
Mary Kay Gallagher
Sunday 1-3:30pm
GMAP P*Shark
Bedford Stuyvesant
730 Halsey Street
Sunday 2-3:30pm
GMAP P*Shark
11:12, that was hilarious.
Schools are gonna improve with the areas. Unless you’re planning to buy and turn around and sell in 5 years, I wouldn’t worry about the overall value of your house. Unlike the mansion in Nebraska, CH is NYC.
I don’t know about Coney Island, though. Even Park Slope’s prices still amaze me. It’s such a boring, far away land. That’s just my humble opinion.
DEAR QUEEN ANNE SELLER: PLEASE SELL THIS TO A FAMILY NOT A DEVELOPER!!!!!!!! If you loved your house, and have to sell it cause you’re moving, don’t be greedy over the profit margin. Just sell to the person who’ll take care of it and love it like you did.
And developerxx, thanks for crafting a post that, in no uncertain terms, reminds the audience as to why one should worry about the schooling of their child.
As long as zoning changes and landmarking initiatives protect the Victorian houses, I am all for luxury condos along CIA. That’s exactly what needs to dovetail with the existing Victorian homes in order to bring in the (moneyed) population density needed to transform shopping districts such as Cortelyou Road. Coney Island Avenue is an eye-sore already. If the coops are even remotely tasteful (the one that’s just been finished doesn’t appear to have any Fedders units) then this could be a real boon for the area south of the Park.
Developerxx, thanks for the warning! I going to put my money into Fedders stock.
Completley insane to pay 2.3 M for C.H vs. Park Slope, people forget that this houses were dumps 2 years ago and the b.s excuses of the Park slope dropouts or should I say outcasts with the pathetic rationals about the diversity is making me lough.
Bottom line schools are premiums in PS and not the houses. We can all find mansions in Nebraska for 300K so what?
We park slopers should monitor CH sells and raise our prices by 50% above CH.
As for Ditmas Park I own also a big Victorian there and I’ll tell you if you can grab one for around 1M do it now because the area between Coney Island Circle and say Cortelyou is going to be exploding with multi luxury condonized buldings in a heartbeat.
There are 4-5 big lots there destined to be condonized in the next 2 years and it is only a matter of time before all the garges/gas stations are going to succomb to the condo wave.
And than you will kick yourself in the head again.
I’m with Brownstoner…the Queen Anne is underpriced and will definately go for much higher. There’s just nothing like it out there and people are clearing willing to shell out the big bucks to have a one-of-a-kind house in a decent nabe. I just finished paying 2 for your standard TH in PS, but if this had been on the market, I would have been calling the parents, family, friends, etc to scrape up the dough for the down on this Queen Anne. I’d pay $3M if I had the dough.
Sigh. Beautiful house the Queen Anne. That fantasy old house I’ve always had in my head. Wouldn’t mind the chair the cat AND the dining table too. But I love the bathroom- and I am not into modern at all but the combination of that fabulous tub and the clean spare look of the bathroom overall is amazing. So are the steel doors too.Whomever designed the renovation was great- brilliant combining of old and new.
Alright, already. I’ll buy the damn Queen Anne. It better come with the faded armchair that cat is sitting on. Come to think of it, it better come with that cat.