Open House Picks
Clinton Hill 303 Washington Avenue Brooklyn Properties Sunday 12-2 $2,300,000 GMAP P*Shark Park Slope 366 6th Avenue Brown Harris Stevens Sunday 2:30-4:30pm $1,950,000 GMAP P*Shark Fort Greene 169 Adelphi Street Massey Knakal Saturday 12-3 $1,600,000 GMAP P*Shark Prospect Park South 169 Stratford Road Mary Kay Gallagher Sunday 1-3:30pm $1,275,000 GMAP P*Shark Bedford Stuyvesant 730 Halsey…

Clinton Hill
303 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn Properties
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark
Park Slope
366 6th Avenue
Brown Harris Stevens
Sunday 2:30-4:30pm
GMAP P*Shark
Fort Greene
169 Adelphi Street
Massey Knakal
Saturday 12-3
GMAP P*Shark
Prospect Park South
169 Stratford Road
Mary Kay Gallagher
Sunday 1-3:30pm
GMAP P*Shark
Bedford Stuyvesant
730 Halsey Street
Sunday 2-3:30pm
GMAP P*Shark
Roberta, have you checked out the facilities at IS 113? I haven’t yet (too soon by a couple of years), but am curious what they’ve got going on.
Oh, actually, I have had a bagel in the midwest – however, we’d call it a “round loaf of wonder bread” here.
And VOILA! This is what I love about Brownstoner – somehow an open house thread has evolved into a discussion of bagels in the midwest. Beautiful!
Anon with child at PS39, I’m really glad for you that the school is working well for you. I was just trying to counter the argument that Park Slope is school nirvana and Clinton Hill has no good schools.
We live in Clinton Hill and my daughter is in 4th grade. She goes to school in Chinatown because I didn’t like what I saw here way back in 2001, and I still wouldn’t send her to the school we’re zoned for. But if she were 4 years old now, I would definitely consider PS11 and PS20 right in the neighborhood, and now that we’re approaching middle school, I am considering IS 113 in Ft. Greene rather than the well-regarded but very overcrowded District 2 middle schools in Manhattan.
12:26 AND 12:33: You nailed it.
All the CH people I know are Williamsburgers who’ve made some money and want to get out of the hell hole of the collegetown environment of Bedford Ave. (Pratt’s proximity gives CH a real student atmosphere, as opposed to the aging Real World characters who can’t grow up. I live here, so I know — but boy if I make some $, I’m moving to CH.)
” The UWS (and Park Slope, albeit to a lesser degree) is as white bread as NYC gets (not counting, of course, UES). Might as well buy a house in Nebraska…”
I was with you up to here, but at this point thou dost protest way too much. You’ve clearly never eaten a bagel in Nebraska.
DeveloperX (and others who buy into the same narrow minded viewpoint): To say that people buying in Clinton Hill are priced out of or cast out of Park Slope is ridiculous. They are very different neighborhoods – Park Slope is like the Upper West Side of Brooklyn. Pretty, nice, expensive, good public schools, a looooong commute to downtown and boooooooorrrrrringggggg. I was friends with some folks from the UWS once. I couldn’t take it. The UWS (and Park Slope, albeit to a lesser degree) is as white bread as NYC gets (not counting, of course, UES). Might as well buy a house in Nebraska… Bottom line, comparing PS and CH is apples and oranges. They’re different neighborhoods for different people.
Roberta, I have a child at 39, and while it definitely does not have the stellar reputation of 321, it’s a good school nonetheless. Perhaps you have used 39 and disagree–a lot of people don’t like the cramped facilities and the principal is less than inspiring–but it also has a lot of good teachers through the grades and often gets dismissed a lot on the basis of second and thirdhand playground chatter. I can’t tell you how many people who have never sent a child there or even visited it have told me what a bad school it is. (Not saying that’s what you’re doing, obvs, since i don’t know you, but it definitely happens.)
For that matter PS 10 and PS 282 in Park Slope are pretty good schools that are often overshadowed by 321. 321 also has a self-selecting population mainly of kids from high-income, privileged families, which–life being unfair–means that it inevitably is going to score off the charts on tests, etc. Not to knock it, but part of its success comes from quality, and part from demographics, which give it a student body of kids who are probably going to do well wherever they go.
All that said, I do agree that the house would be worth more if it were in the 321 zone–reputation is what drives prices.
No experience with the Clinton Hill schools so I can’t speak for them, but good for them if they’re doing well.
Re: the 6th ave house in PS — today’s Times has a similarly sized 3-fam 4-sty on 6th Ave, just north of Union having sold for close to $1.9M. Haven’t seen it so dunno how comparable it really is, but at least in size and location it’s decently similar.
The Park Slope house is zoned for PS39 which is not a great school. It’s not so easy to get a variance for a great school in Park Slope.
There are 2 excellent, underutilized schools in Clinton Hill that take all comers. One is around 2 blocks from the Queen Anne, the other maybe 5 blocks away.