houseClinton Hill
303 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn Properties
Sunday 12-2
GMAP P*Shark

housePark Slope
366 6th Avenue
Brown Harris Stevens
Sunday 2:30-4:30pm
GMAP P*Shark

houseFort Greene
169 Adelphi Street
Massey Knakal
Saturday 12-3
GMAP P*Shark

houseProspect Park South
169 Stratford Road
Mary Kay Gallagher
Sunday 1-3:30pm
GMAP P*Shark

houseBedford Stuyvesant
730 Halsey Street
Sunday 2-3:30pm
GMAP P*Shark

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  1. the great thing about the Queen Anne house is that it is sandwiched between two ‘colleges’ (St. Josephs and Pratt) that are only a block away. That’s what I like about living in this neighborhood. It’s destined to remain youthful, vibrant and a little artistic as time goes by. Pratt’s campus is open to the public. It’s a great place to walk around, sit and chat, etc.

  2. Good point about Midwood. As Bklyn schools go, I think (not 100% certain) that they are second only to St. Anns(Bklyn Hts), in terms of the number of kids they send to Ivys each year.

  3. All this chatter about Clinton Hill schools… There’s also a Prospect Park House featured above, and if people are worried about schools they should check out the area. 139 on Cortelyou and I forget the number of the school on Newkirk are both pretty good, and District 22 has an excellent (tiere) gifted programs, along with some gifted elementary schools not too far from the nabe. In addition, the middle school issue is not even a big deal here, as we have Hudde (which busses in the district) and its one of the biggest feeder schools to Stuyvesant in the city. And if you can’t cut Stuy, then there’s always Midwood (with more Westinghouse Fellows than anywhere in the nation) and Morrow, which ain’t half bad… If people are really concerned about schools and want to go public, they should be looking in Flatbush. Even Slopers who want to go public have a tough time after elementary school… Out here the choices are better and broader than any where else in Brooklyn. See Squid and the Whale? Well the HS Noah Baumbach attended wasn’t in the Slope – it was Midwood.

  4. Does Developerxxx really not get that some people do look to live in integrated neighborhoods? For others of course it is a non-issue. I never wanted to live in Park Slope (although some my best friends etc, etc, etc). Trade-offs are what this housing thing is all about.

  5. IZ, I understand that 113 has an annual open house in December for the next year’s applicants. We know 2 kids who go there, one of whom has an older brother at Stuyvesant. It has a good writeup in and it’s listed in the latest edition of the Best NYC Middle Schools book. Also an interesting web site:

    Kids there are eligible for the DOE’s free prep program for the high school (Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Tech, Bronx Sci) test. That’s a big plus I think.

    They have 4 different programs in the same building–but not 4 different schools. Some sound more appealing than others.

    I am not entirely convinced but my daughter is very happy to think she might not have to take the subway to middle school.

    If the procedure is the same as this year, we will be able to list our District 2 schools in order of preference, and then apply separately to 113 since it’s in a different district. I think we’ll also apply to NEST although it’s a difficult commute.

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