Average Joes Giving Market a Heartbeat
Yesterday’s cover story in the NYT real estate section was downright encouraging, didn’t you think? The gist: There are a bunch of folks who have normal jobs with normal paychecks that have been patiently saving up in recent years as the real estate market zoomed beyond their reach who all of sudden are finding themselves…

Yesterday’s cover story in the NYT real estate section was downright encouraging, didn’t you think? The gist: There are a bunch of folks who have normal jobs with normal paychecks that have been patiently saving up in recent years as the real estate market zoomed beyond their reach who all of sudden are finding themselves in the position to buy sooner than they had imagined. And faced with the double-blessing of lower prices and lower interest rates, they are even able to afford bigger apartments than they thought. The meat-and-potatoes buyers are coming out right now, said Kristina Leonetti, a broker at the Corcoran Group. And you know what? They are out there actively looking (though maybe not in the Bronx). Confirming something that a senior member of a large brokerage firm told us last week, open houses have been well attended since the start of the new year. Any readers who fit this profile care to chime in?
For the Brave, the Moment Is Now [NY Times]
Photo by Amber Rhea on Flickr
“Y’know, I’m born and raised here. Been in NYC all my life.”
And you want to be a Asshat? Wear tight assed jeans and be all smug and pertencious.
” I remember the 70s and 80s. And I am almost as much of a pessimist and realist as you.”
no because if you was, you would not go back and forth with me. I know you want a rep PS but up won’t get one out of me.
” I have a relatively bleak outlook on the future of this city and this country. But you are just off the mark to think the “old NY”will return.”
Well I would not say that PS. You need to look what’s happening in California right now! Anoonold is getting his Ass handed to him! California have a 41 Billion dollar deficit (yeah BILLION)! That shockwave is coming your way and if you was raised here, you would remember the good ole day of Mayor Beame begging President Ford for money. Ford told NYC to drop dead!
Now PS crawl away you have been PWNED..
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
Ha ha!
Thanks for the invitation Dave!
Yes, and you could have been born Samuel and then become Samantha later in life. Come to the next party and then we’ll all know
My apologies to mopar,
I may be a she too you know
as in Samantha
who is to know?
mopar’s a “she” sam.
denton…you’re sure right as hell about that. Talk about a Mutant Asset Bubble. How the hell is brie “kid friendly” anyway. I don’t think my parents knew what brie was!!!
I was in Grab a few weeks ago and the owner was talking about Brie being ‘kid-friendly’ as opposed to more flavorful cheeses and I’m thinking when I was a kid Velveeta and American and maybe cheddar were ‘kid-friendly’ and Brie was sophisticated!
I don’t know if that’s good or bad for NYC RE.
Dave, I don’t think so, mopar probably has been known to cut the cheese in church, so he does not want reminders of his humiliation on every street corner.
I think its a racially charged “code” phrase, sam.
too many cheese shops?
OK, that is the cryptic message of the day.