Average Joes Giving Market a Heartbeat
Yesterday’s cover story in the NYT real estate section was downright encouraging, didn’t you think? The gist: There are a bunch of folks who have normal jobs with normal paychecks that have been patiently saving up in recent years as the real estate market zoomed beyond their reach who all of sudden are finding themselves…
Yesterday’s cover story in the NYT real estate section was downright encouraging, didn’t you think? The gist: There are a bunch of folks who have normal jobs with normal paychecks that have been patiently saving up in recent years as the real estate market zoomed beyond their reach who all of sudden are finding themselves in the position to buy sooner than they had imagined. And faced with the double-blessing of lower prices and lower interest rates, they are even able to afford bigger apartments than they thought. The meat-and-potatoes buyers are coming out right now, said Kristina Leonetti, a broker at the Corcoran Group. And you know what? They are out there actively looking (though maybe not in the Bronx). Confirming something that a senior member of a large brokerage firm told us last week, open houses have been well attended since the start of the new year. Any readers who fit this profile care to chime in?
For the Brave, the Moment Is Now [NY Times]
Photo by Amber Rhea on Flickr
God Bless You! I wish the best to you. You can tell I have it in for the ones that bought out of greed trying to make a quick flip and profit spoiling it for the rest of us that believed in the American Dream
Hannible, I am buying a heap in Bushwick. Give me a break.
Oh please spread the light and knowledge on how people buy homes. Only you mopar can have the nerve to say that home prices are still going up in Carroll Gardens. Must have been that three day weekend drinking. I will stick with the simple basic you have 20 percent as a down payment you buy if you don’t you rent, so if most people have 50-60,000 dollars saved for a down payment what is the value of a home. I am not talking about those rich doctors and lawyers like yourself that don’t really have to work to make good money.
Hannible, nobody in Carroll Gardens is asking the government for a bailout. Furthermore, sale prices are still rising there for now. You don’t seem to grasp the basics of how people buy homes.
Yes Sir e Bob I get up really early! I work for a living. I earn my money. I don’t buy a home I can’t afford because it is over-inflated by the banks by 400% and then ask the government for help when making the monthly payments are too high for me Boo Hoo. Trust me I was out with sweet company last night too.
hannible….you were really on here at 5:57 AM????!!!!! Get a life man.
I don’t like to consider myse;f a “meat amd potatoe buyer” I like the term vulture better. I would like other buyers like me to buy from all those stupid buyers that overpaid for their homes thinking they were the ones that were so smart for buying and everyone else was so stupid for renting. How the tables have turned. I think you should not only put a for sale sign up but also a stated reason like” For Sale-Because we were too stupid and greedy and overpaid for it” or ” For Sale-We want a do over anda pass for beingtoo stupid”
Mopar, your view of Paris is quaint but outdated. Sales and closings can happen very quickly, and there are plenty of places for sale, just like here. The big difference is that there’s not really an equivalent to Brooklyn – you’re either in Paris or in the suburbs, and the suburbs, while just outside the city line, have a different status and it’s not quite “hip” the Brooklyn has become. That said, plenty of people buy in the suburbs or the outer arrondissements (further away from city center/more on outskirts of city), which are cheaper. The RE market in Paris has stayed strong up until recently, but everyone there, like here, is predicting declines are inevitable. London, meanwhile, has tanked from what my British friends tell me. Don’t know about Tokyo, but it certainly has tanked in the past.
I have to laugh at this parade of dunderheads claiming that they know the real Brooklyn, from back in the day. Back in what day? the 1800’s? the 1900’s or more recently? Each period had it’s share of good and bad no matter how you look at it. Ever read Last Exit to Brooklyn? Hint, it takes place a few years before most here were born, and it’s not a nice place. Ever seen a book of photos of seedy New York by Weegee? It ain’t a day at Disneyland.
These morons seem to think that there is some vast army of unwashed and unkempt hooligans ready to spring up from the sewers at the first hint of an economic decline. This picture is more a representation of watching too many Michael Jackson Thriller videos than any meaningful understanding of the sociology of crime.
And even if there was an uptick in the stats, is it somehow anything useful to wish for? or is it perhaps, more an indication of a deep seated feeling of inadequacy and economic impotence on the part of the complainer, in a transparent attempt to exact vengance for a perceived wrong.
Whatever the city morphs into over the next few years, menacing or not, there will always be a Second Amendment, that is, until liberals try to completely eradicate the one amendment that protects all others.