
Transmitter Brewing is now open on weekends, selling bottles out of 53-02 11th Street in Long Island City. The business hours are from noon to 4pm. The Village Voice ran a profile on the brand new brewery, run by homebrew buddies Anthony Accardi and Rob Kolb. The two are making beer with multiple strains of Brettanomyces, which, according to the Voice, is “the yeast that gives many sour beers, saisons, and other ales their funkiness.” Transmitter plans to begin kegging soon, as well as start up a community-supported beer (CSB) plan. Keep up with the progress on the Transmitter Facebook page.

Transmitter Brewing debuted its beers last Friday in honor of Queens Beer Week (happening now!). They served up four different brews at Crescent and Vine, in Astoria: a Farmhouse Ale, Mahogany Saison, Saison Noir and Belgian Quad.

Photo via Facebook

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