Should Restaurants Along Vernon Boulevard Be Able to Use Backyard Space?
LIC resident Renee Katsaitis started an online petition “to mobilize thousands of Long Island City residents who want to see all the restaurants on Vernon blvd. open up their outdoor space.” The LIC Post reports that Community Board 2 requires bars and restaurants to keep their backyards closed if they want to get a liquor…

LIC resident Renee Katsaitis started an online petition “to mobilize thousands of Long Island City residents who want to see all the restaurants on Vernon blvd. open up their outdoor space.” The LIC Post reports that Community Board 2 requires bars and restaurants to keep their backyards closed if they want to get a liquor license. As the Post says, “Restaurants such as Alobar, Blend, Lounge 47, Corner Bistro and L’inizio are just a few that have been told that in order to get their liquor license they must keep their yards closed.” When the owner of Alobar tried to take an application to use a small outdoor space straight to the State Liquor Authority, the SLA denied it based on the recommendation of CB2.
Here’s more from the online petition: “LIC bars and restaurants have seen crushing blows to their revenue when they can’t allow locals to enjoy meals and drinks outside during the nice weather. I am a lifelong LIC resident who welcomes change. If you want Community Board 2 to ease up on liquor license and outdoor space restrictions, sign this petition. Let’s fight back against the small minority of residents that hinder the cultural growth of LIC!!” What do you think, LIC residents? Would you enjoy the backyard space or do you think it would be too much of a nuisance for the surrounding community?
Allow Long Island City Restaurants to Use Outdoor Space [Care2 Petition Site]
Resident Starts Petition Calling on Community Board to Allow Bars/Restaurants to Use Backyard Space [LIC Post]
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