Neighbors Unhappy With Montgomery Penthouse Proposal
The new owners of 19 Montgomery Place, who bought the home this summer for over $5 million, have big reno plans in store. They are heading to Landmarks later this month with a proposal to “construct a rooftop addition, install mechanical equipment, and modify a window opening.” They also presented their proposal to Community Board…

The new owners of 19 Montgomery Place, who bought the home this summer for over $5 million, have big reno plans in store. They are heading to Landmarks later this month with a proposal to “construct a rooftop addition, install mechanical equipment, and modify a window opening.” They also presented their proposal to Community Board Six last month. Some neighbors have taken issue with the penthouse addition, which will not be visible from Montgomery Place. According to the plans presented to CB6, the architects will raise the parapet wall and set the addition back 13 feet. There will be a deck in front of the penthouse addition. At the CB6 meeting, a next-door neighbor expressed concern about the addition blocking out the light for her garden. She noted that the penthouse will also be visible from the sidewalk of Carroll Street. “There are only two homes like this in all of New York City,” she said, referring also to the identical home next door. “Why would you want to add these changes?” The committee did not have a quorum and ultimately did not vote on the matter. Since the meeting, some concerned locals have sent emails around and it definitely looks like there will be some opposition at the LPC hearing. Is the LPC particularly strict about approving rooftop additions mostly not visible from the street?
The “busy body neighbor” was simply protecting the integrity of their own house since the new owner actually began construction for the new addition without even waiting for permits to be approved. In addition, the new rooftop addition to #19 was being built atop of the party wall of the two buildings, something that would alarm any neighbor. The coda to this situation was a big Stop Work order slapped on the renovation last week.