I got 4 violation notices on my townhouse in WT. Someone made an anonymous complaint and an inspector showed up. I am renting my house to a woman’s shelter. They very quiet and well-organized. They are certified by the city in the that location, they are up to code on everything as their every 6 months certifications shows. So the Administration from the Shelter told me that the judge will dismiss my violations once they see that this is perfectly legal and its certified by Department of Children and Family Services.

I am still worried as I never dealt with an issue like this. I am also getting all kinds of solicitations by mail from lawyers and engineers promising to remove the violations for a fee.

Any experience with the situation like this? Do I need to do before appearing before the judge? Anything that will help me correct the violations?

Thank you.

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  1. I am not sure what you need to do but I would like to say that the DOB is out in full force in Windsor Terrace. My neighbors had complaints and we just recently had an inspector out to our house…… I think that they are really looking for some revenue for the city.

  2. I received two violation on my property because of a mentally ill neighbour. He relentlessly called the city and managed to lodged 6 formally complaints (all of which can still be read on the DEP website) none of which made any sense in the context of what was going on at my property. Eventually the DEP issued a violation for having a suspension scaffold without a liscence. Of course my contractor had a liscence and showed it. The fist violation was dismissed at the hearing the second for exactly the same thing was not. I had to pay a $500 fine and appeal it. That was July 2006 and it is still on appeal.
    I believe that in my case the city was simply putting pressure on me to stop the fellow next door from bothering them. They figured that the scaffold was the reason for his calls and they would make me take it down whether they were entitled to or not. Basically they didn’t want to keep receiving calls and the inspector didn’t want to have to keep coming out. The fact that there was in fact no violation was a detail that could be dealt with later. So far more than two years later…

  3. yOu’re right. Tell us about the violations than we/ll be able to give you a better idea of what to do. Bottom line is, you do have to take care of this!

  4. OP:
    You have not mentioned what the violations were for. Simply being authorized by the City to operate does not mean that there are not building or fire violations.
    Your lease should have provided that since the shelter was occupying the premises, they are responsible for responding to & paying for any violations.

  5. I’ve had several anonymous complaints made by a hostile neighbor & have had them all tossed out either by an appointment w/ an inspector or at a court hearing. You don’t need a lawyer (I’m not at all conversant w/ law). What you need is a well organized file of relevant materials & supporting letters. Include anything you can think of that adds to your claims about the legitimacy – especially photos of equipment that might be cited as part of the problem. Have duplictaes of each document so you can keep a copy as you hand each to the adjudicator. I always put my papers into a file w/ little tabs so I can find the right paper easily & I also write on the cover what documents are in there. I try to arrange that list & the papers in what I think is a logically compelling order.