DOB Green Lights First Stage of Whole Foods Project
That collective sigh of relief you hear is from all the developers with buildings underway within shopping distance of the planned Whole Foods site at Third Street and Third Avenue in Gowanus. The DOB approved the grocer’s plans for foundation work on the site yesterday, marking a huge symbolic moment in the project’sand neighborhood’shistory. It’s…
That collective sigh of relief you hear is from all the developers with buildings underway within shopping distance of the planned Whole Foods site at Third Street and Third Avenue in Gowanus. The DOB approved the grocer’s plans for foundation work on the site yesterday, marking a huge symbolic moment in the project’sand neighborhood’shistory. It’s been a long time coming: Whole Foods held a ceremonial groundbreaking for the 68,000-square-foot store way back in ’06, and it was supposed to open this spring. In the meantime, a number of community groups have expressed concerns about the site’s environmental conditions (concerns that many say WF has ignored), and vandals have repeatedly torn down the property’s fence (it was playing peek-a-boo again this weekend, for example). It’s probably too early to break out the champagne though: The application for the new building was disapproved yesterday. Stay tuned.
DOB Rejects Latest Whole Foods Plan [Brownstoner] GMAP DOB
Whole Foods Facing an Uphill Battle in Gowanus [Brownstoner]
Yep, with their high prices. Fake heath foods and other bullshit.
I wonder where the money is coming from?? Money for dumbass things is coming to a end.
Flame on
The What
Someday this war is gonna end…
BTW If you look in your neighborhood grocery store, you can find most if the shit they sell in WF. No Bullshit.
Stoner has insinuated that the Whole Foods store is practically a canard for the benefit of developers to sell condos that he hates. He further suggests that many residents don’t want the store, by continuing to repeat the claims of ‘community groups’, despite what their own poll showed about community feelings towards the store.
The fact is, Whole Foods will be great for everyone. And it will provide much-needed competition to the food coop.
well said, 11:35
9:51 & 10:19:
Please get a grip. Nobody “positioned” the story as a condo pitch. It was a throw-away lead-in line.
People will complain about anything on this site!
Will never open
I live in Carroll Gardens and Whole Foods matters to me… but it would matter much more if I had millions at risk in a development.
When I lived in DC a WF opened at 14th and P St. Not somewhere that people were clamoring to live (there were two paint stores on the block where guys would hang out trying to find work for the day), but it was only a few blocks from Dupont/17th St. Since then the area has changed into a flourishing residential area – due to all of the development.
The location reminds me of their 3rd and 3rd location as it’s only a few blocks from Park Slope and a few blocks from Carroll Gardens. It will help bridge the gap.
The opening of a WF in Brooklyn has nothing to do with condo developers, just as the opening of Fairway in Red Hook had nothing to do condo developers.
It has to do with improvements in services and quality of life for any and all Brooklyn residents who would use those new stores.
It’s also a story of the development of the Gowanus, a wasteland, and part of the story of the overall revival of Brooklyn.
Why position this as a condo development story? The perspective is wrong, unless you are implying that WF, like all of the other changes, will make Brooklyn a more attractive and livable place. But that’s something that everyone shares in equally, not some building developers.
Your agenda is showing, as usual.
I’m going to move into one of the rooms in LeBleu (Chelsea Hotel Style) and spend each day wandering the aisles of WF, living off the samples.
When does site cleanup begin?