DOB Green Lights First Stage of Whole Foods Project
That collective sigh of relief you hear is from all the developers with buildings underway within shopping distance of the planned Whole Foods site at Third Street and Third Avenue in Gowanus. The DOB approved the grocer’s plans for foundation work on the site yesterday, marking a huge symbolic moment in the project’sand neighborhood’shistory. It’s…
That collective sigh of relief you hear is from all the developers with buildings underway within shopping distance of the planned Whole Foods site at Third Street and Third Avenue in Gowanus. The DOB approved the grocer’s plans for foundation work on the site yesterday, marking a huge symbolic moment in the project’sand neighborhood’shistory. It’s been a long time coming: Whole Foods held a ceremonial groundbreaking for the 68,000-square-foot store way back in ’06, and it was supposed to open this spring. In the meantime, a number of community groups have expressed concerns about the site’s environmental conditions (concerns that many say WF has ignored), and vandals have repeatedly torn down the property’s fence (it was playing peek-a-boo again this weekend, for example). It’s probably too early to break out the champagne though: The application for the new building was disapproved yesterday. Stay tuned.
DOB Rejects Latest Whole Foods Plan [Brownstoner] GMAP DOB
Whole Foods Facing an Uphill Battle in Gowanus [Brownstoner]
It’s all fun until somebody loses an eye…
The broken clock has stop. It’s over and yes I’m a skullfucker. open your eye. LMMFAO Open your eye, Oh thats rich. Can’t you see LMMFAO. Go munch a dick.
The What (Sticking his cock in the next eye LMMFAO)
Someday this war is gonna end….
When wishing to be Cruise, you might want to refrain from calling others cocksuckers, cockchugger.
Yeah, you’re right now and will be for 10 years. You’ve been screaming the end is nigh for about ten years prior to this, you broken clock. Enjoy being right for the minute that you are and then keep entertaining the masses with your vaudeville act. Sad skullfucker.
“our laugh reminds me of Tom Cruise in his Scientology video, Nutless. Maniacal, paranoid, hypnotized and downright creepy. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll tool his Ducati by the trainwreck that is you and save your sorry ass.
Your expertise on everything is charming, but no surprise–as words ricochet off the walls of the echo chamber you’ve built entirely from your own failing brain matter.”
HUH??!!!! So fucktard you have a full creditcrunch going on. The Stock Market has lost 15% of it’s value this year (today is Feb 6) and the housing market is gone to shit and I HAVE FAILING BRAIN MATTER????!!!
Hey Asshat you have serious denial issues!! Mayby if you take that cock out of your mouth you can see better. BTW I’m right now!!! And will be right for the next 10 years.
BTW Tom Cruse is worth about 500 million so I want to be crazy like him. Stupid!
The What (Jumping up and down on the Oprah’s Couch)
Someday this war is gonna end…
Your laugh reminds me of Tom Cruise in his Scientology video, Nutless. Maniacal, paranoid, hypnotized and downright creepy. Maybe you’ll get lucky and he’ll tool his Ducati by the trainwreck that is you and save your sorry ass.
Your expertise on everything is charming, but no surprise–as words ricochet off the walls of the echo chamber you’ve built entirely from your own failing brain matter.
“Stick to your Chicken Little Bloomberg linked diatribes and leave the food to those with taste”
Ok I’ll bite. It’s not “Chicken Little” anymore, it’s real assfuck. The Credit Crunch is in full effect. Sadly, this just the beginning.
Memo to Clinton Hill homeowners. Your house WILL be underwater this year. 3 Family closed at 800k in January in 11238. LMMFAO Whole Foods!
The What (Laughing His Fucking Ass Off Now)
Someday this war is gonna end….
Hey, did anyone see that the guy with the stolen Warhol was the dude who used to work at C Town???
Yeah, The What–welcome back… you Fucktard.
“BTW If you look in your neighborhood grocery store, you can find most if the shit they sell in WF. No Bullshit.”
I guess, ShitTwit, if your neighborhood is Red Hook and your grocery store is Fairway. You simplistic old dimbulb. Stick to your Chicken Little Bloomberg linked diatribes and leave the food to those with taste.
Welcome back, The What.