Intriguing…Racked is reporting via “an informant” that H&M’s second Brooklyn location (the other’s way down on Avenue U) is going to be at the Fulton Mall. If the rumor’s true, it’ll be a victory for the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership, which has been pushing for more big-name chains to sign leases at the Mall.
Storecasting: H&M to Set Up Shop on Fulton Mall [Racked] GMAP
Fulton Mall ‘Mallification’ Inevitable? [Brownstoner]
Photo by wallyg.

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  1. If you were mayor, sdrubbins, the city would suck.

    Btw: not interested that you are skinny and don’t assume people who hate fulton mall are all white.

    That said, what fat people can shop at H&M? The current overweight demographic that shops at the Fulton Mall? Guess again. H&M is for skinny white tweens. Time to grow up.

  2. I think there’s rooom for everything at Fulton Mall…some of the existing businesses and new ones, as well. Fulton St (before it was the “mall”) was populated by no less than five different major department stores — five different prices points — and dozens of smaller retailers in the mix. There was something for everyone. Why that merchandise mix can’t be restored is beyond me. The all-or-nothing argument doesn’t make sense.

  3. i disagree – actually, I don’t shop for clothes much, but when I do it’s almost exclusively at H&M. I really like their stuff – half the price of most similar chains, and cut to fit skinny people like me.

    I don’t think H&M in particular is out of place there, just as I never thought A&S/Macy’s was out of place. I was extremely sad when Gage & Tollner shut down. I’m just speaking to the broader sentiment of “it’s dirty and ugly (and unpleasant for white shoppers uncomfortable being in the *minority* in the vicinity) and it therefore needs to be bulldozed and replaced with something more pleasant and less threatening.” If you don’t like it, you don’t need to go there. It’s doing fine without you.

    Don’t get me wrong, I *love* the idea of Brooklyn having a beautiful pedestrian mall, like some you find in Europe. But it doesn’t need to be in Fulton Mall, which again is doing fine as it is. It’s the “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it” rule.

    Here’s an idea for an area that really could stand to be rehabbed: instead of building a bunch of ugly, highrise condos, create a commercial-zoned pedestrian mall on the Atlantic Yards next to Atlantic Ave, leading from Vanderbilt to the new arena.

    And while we’re talking crazy ideas, questions whether we really need buses in Fulton Mall at all. Why not make the mall just for pedestrians and bicyclists, and route the buses up Livingston. That in itself would do a lot to clean the place up. Less smog and noise, and surely shoppers could walk the 50 yards or so from Livingston to get there.

    Meh. If only I was mayor, everything would be better, I tells ya…

  4. johnife, thanks for that. Our one-day feud is a thing of the past and I enjoy reading your posts.

    Regarding Fulton Mall, I’m not there often, but I sometimes walk through it on my way to somewhere else, such as Park Slope or Pathmark. As one who lives nearby, I’m happy to hear an H&M will open there. I’m all for the mom and pops, but I don’t think there’s a high risk of this area looking like a suburban mall anytime soon so I welcome new places that will potentially expand the population of visitors to the area. If, as sdrubbins said, there’s a demand for the “lowbrow stuff”, that’s fine too – sort of like how you have high end stores on 5th Avenue in Manhattan from 50-59th Street and the lower end stores below 50th. And I would love to see more bicycle paths too!

  5. As I was exiting Macy’s at the Livinston Street exit on Sunday with my sale rack loot (you can find some pretty amazing bargains on some basically decent -not stellar but decent- clothing), two guys tried to mug me. While one was asking some non-sensical question in a repetitive fashion meant to confuse me, the other was coming at me from the other side. I just ran.

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