Some Slopers have been wondering what’s going into the storefront on President Street, just west of Fifth Avenue, that’s been sporting a revolving sign that reads Delicious on the Slope. Why, it’s an Israeli-Mediterranean eatery/soda fountain, of course. Delicious on the Slope is the brainchild of an Israeli chef named Yair who says the hard-to-miss sign has been breeding misconceptions about the nature of his future restaurant (slated to open in about six weeks), leading people to think it’s going to be an ice cream parlor or worse—a coffee shop. We are going to serve egg creams and have a full menu, he says, but I am not going to allow anyone to come and sit here with their laptop for eight hours. And how’d he come up with his concept? I realized there was no place else in the area to get traditional Jewish food like corned beef and pastrami. Sounds like a good enough reason to us, and here’s hoping the nosh is indeed delish. GMAP

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  1. I can’t criticize the signage without eating the food, and I won’t be upset with some more old world meat in PS, BUT I can say that this chef/owner guy who I see outside this place every morning for months…wears orange crocs Batali style. This is what worries me.

  2. I’ll check it out and welcome it to the ‘hood but I guess the owner doesn’t read this blog.

    OWNER: “I realized there was no place else in the area to get traditional Jewish food like corned beef and pastrami.”

    um, it’s called CANTEEN, that place that just opened on 4th Ave a few blocks away that had about 100 posts on the story when it was mentioned here!


  3. I too walk past this every day and I think the sign is just awful – it’s tacky and makes me think the owners are clueless.

    Anyone know what’s up with the new sign to the left of the door that reads “Presidential Suites”? It makes the building look like it’s a hotel.


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