An article in Huffington Post focuses on the “danger-zone” of Atlantic Avenue where Washington, Underhill, and Atlantic come to a head. The stoplight has been knocked down twice in a decade and in that time more than 40 pedestrians and cyclists have been struck. As a result, the community is now pushing for curb extensions and bollards to calm the intersection. The proposal is for sidewalks that extend into the parking lanes on both sides of Atlantic Avenue, which will make the crosswalk two lanes shorter. Bollards would go at the end of the Atlantic Ave. medians. The first meeting with DOT is November 17th and you can also sign this online petition pushing for the work to be done.

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  1. You realize this will have 100x the effect on traffic that Atlantic Yards as a stadium will, don’t you?

    Because 45 3-hour game night windows doesn’t even come close to 24/7/365 with a few lanes removed.

  2. Wow, I just noticed how bad it was the other day and I’ve been in the neighborhood a long time. The cars don’t have to slow down to turn off of Atlantic south onto Washington. I saw a guy doing 40 almost run over a woman in the crosswalk as she headed east across Washington.

  3. bmfesg! Hear hear, sir! (ma’am?)

    The bollards aren’t a bad thing to prevent cars crushing people on the sidewalk. Curb extensions are good if the intent is to ‘narrow’ the road… it does slow down traffic. But I’ve heard a lot of curb extensions being called for because the pedestrians need more space — AS IF they wouldn’t stand in the middle of the road no matter what!!

    Atlantic needs to be controlled. They need to do this with traffic enforcement (POLICE with Tickets and the ability to make an arrest!), not mechanical intervention.

  4. That fix is not the right one. Fix the crossing signals, use delayed green lights, write speeding tickets, stand on the sidewalk and not in the street waiting to cross, make sure pedestrians cross with the light etc. All common knowledge and practices to live a long healthy, accident free life in NYC.

  5. I loathe this intersection. I’ve walked (read: sprinted) thru many times; my wife essentially refuses to go this way when we go to the Flea, or whatever in Ft. Greene/Clinton Hill from Prospect Heights.

    It’s terrifying, man. Cars are zooming by at 50 mph+ inches from the curb and when the light does change, even the fastest walkers will note that the blinking hand comes up even before you’re halfway across the intersection; this leads the berserk drivers to start inching towards a blistering takeoff—you think they’re running the fu**ing 1/4-mile at a dragstrip.