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  1. “In my experience it can go either way: a big deal turns out to be not such a big deal after all; a “little fix” turns out to be a major undertaking.

    Ah. Truer words were never spoken….

    BRG, I hope you’re taking notes. I think we seriously have the makings of a hit show here. Why should 20-somethings living in lofts dominate the airwaves?

    Will post this question later in the Forum. Thanks so much, everyone.

  2. Mopar, I suggest you post your question on the forum, where MasterPlvmber might see it. He sounds like the real deal and is very generous about giving information to Brownstoners.

    If you are in love with this house, I sure hope it works out. In my experience it can go either way: a big deal turns out to be not such a big deal after all; a “little fix” turns out to be a major undertaking. Maybe this is one of those big deals that can be managed.

  3. “yes, I set that up for you, Biff. Let’s see what you can do with that, Mr. Corny Joke Man!”

    BRG, sorry, but I’ve already got a great straight man in DIBS. Well, you know what I mean…

  4. “BRG, I hate to break this to you, but head writers are typically expected to be able to write, both in a humorous and grammatically correct manner.”

    Oh, Biff, you wait!!!! [raising my fisted hand in the air]
    You have no idea!!

    Why don’t you go back to your vow of silence…or celibacy…whichever one will keep you away.

  5. “I’m seriously on this. I called my lit. agent and told him to get me in on the new show. If anybody is reading this and can pass me along. I’m willing to write a spec script….Serious.”

    BRG, I hate to break this to you, but head writers are typically expected to be able to write, both in a humorous and grammatically correct manner.

  6. Mopar, If your’re just replacing plumbing fixtures in the same locations and not moving them more than 3′, a plumber can do it with a repair slip…no need for an architect.

    I’m not sure how muchof a stack you can replace on a repair slip, but I can certainly ask for you or look it up.

  7. “BRG to be promoted to head writer in new version of “Sex in the City” to be set in Brooklyn’s famed Park Slope.”

    “Good idea!”

    I’m seriously on this.
    I called my lit. agent and told him to get me in on the new show.
    If anybody is reading this and can pass me along. I’m willing to write a spec script….Serious.

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