That’s real scary! That means no one want to buy any debt but US T-Bills. Why get 3% for 30 years when there are other form of Bonds out there, because have no faith in the debt being issued.
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
BTW I think the FED is going to 0.00% but no one cares. The Bank will let the money sit in the vault and collect interest…
That’s real scary! That means no one want to buy any debt but US T-Bills. Why get 3% for 30 years when there are other form of Bonds out there, because have no faith in the debt being issued.
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
BTW I think the FED is going to 0.00% but no one cares. The Bank will let the money sit in the vault and collect interest…
DIBS, have you heard me speak….so, yes.
It’s a Brooklyn accent.
You transplants are so easily amused by what is truly NY!
Noki, you’d be shocked to know that NOTHING shocks me 🙂
“30 Year Treasuries just broke 3.00%.”
That’s real scary! That means no one want to buy any debt but US T-Bills. Why get 3% for 30 years when there are other form of Bonds out there, because have no faith in the debt being issued.
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
BTW I think the FED is going to 0.00% but no one cares. The Bank will let the money sit in the vault and collect interest…
“30 Year Treasuries just broke 3.00%.”
That’s real scary! That means no one want to buy any debt but US T-Bills. Why get 3% for 30 years when there are other form of Bonds out there, because have no faith in the debt being issued.
The What
Someday this war is gonna end..
BTW I think the FED is going to 0.00% but no one cares. The Bank will let the money sit in the vault and collect interest…
I think you may be right about that, but it was before my day here. Never saw NYC’s crazy, but I hear tell…
BRG, you’d be shocked, SHOCKED I tell you 😉
Sorry, DIBS…I haven’t see the commercial.
But do you mean, speak that way as in accent or say those words 🙂
If it’s the latter, you might want to ask Noki.
BRG…you are ignoring my question up above in the first post.
Noki…I might have alot of questions for you 🙂
Yes, SF was crazy but I still think NYC held the prize for craziness. At least SF closed down the bathouses.