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  1. GM, dave.

    So France is doing some soulsearching. About time- but I don’t think we Americans should feel so superior. We’re much more passive-aggressive than the French. We talk like Puritans in public and act like the French in private.I will say this- at least we know rape and harassment are wrong- we don’t shrug our shoulders. Of course we only do that when we’re found out.

    On the other hand, the attitude toward women in this country has become a political football. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it here, what’s the difference between raping a hotel maid and a state forcing a woman to undergo a mandatory vaginal ultrasound? Not much. And now the IRS is considering a rule that says rape victims will have to prove thy were raped? It’s great we can sneer and point fingers at the French, but we’ve got our own attitudinal problems here too. At least there, gays can openly serve in the Armed Forces.

    Not trying to defend the French or DSK at all, but we have plenty of our own DSK’s, and poor attitudes too. Otherwise why does Eliot Spitzer have a show on CNN, and Newt Gingrich running for President?

  2. DeLepp, that is certainly the overriding issue. they did this to penalize Boeing but it can never be applied without prejudice to all companies. the logical conclusion is that no company can operate a facility in a right-to-work state while it also has unionized facilities elsewhere.

    More importantly it makes doing business with US companies far more risky.

  3. lechacal, the only tailor I can think of is the one at the dry cleaner that I used to use…on the south side of 55th between Lex & 3rd.

    If you were still on the F train you wouldn’t ever have had such a problem.

  4. DIBS, do you know of a good fix-it-while-you-wait tailor nearby? I ripped the pocket of my trousers on the train (caught an armrest sitting down) and now I’m showing my undies to the world. Not so bad when I’m wearing my jacket but I would rather not be a walking wardrobe malfunction all day.

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