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  1. Hi NOP,
    I guess you’re not OP today then. Glad you enjoyed but I can’t see to devoting my encroaching senior insomnia to reading the unreal number of comments above. What I read of it, it seems to be 95% drivel, Rob.

    Hi Bxgirl!

    David, you’re too old to write things like “STFU”. Arrested development?

    Biff, no earful, sorry.

    Arkady, when is the next gathering? I have a right mind to come to one of these things.

    The cabdriver who brought me home tonight was very nice–that was the second taxi. The first car I got in smelled of vomit and air-freshener. I said I was sorry and hopped out. It was ooguey. Felt sorry for the guy.

    Pretty amazing how much heavy drinking and throwing up there is in Manhattan from Thursday night onward. I see some very sad scenes of drunk kids stumbling around. A couple of weeks ago a young man “walking alone” lurched and zigzagged back-and-forth actually slamming into trees, cars. It was terrible.


    Nighty night, All!

  2. Everyone:

    Made my daily check-in at Brownstoner at a cafe table far from NY and found myself totally absorbed in the OT — so much so that I continued reading into the street, where it’s raining, forcing me into a galleria.

    I must look very strange leaning against a shop window pecking this out, but I just have to say “thanks” for the entertaining and informative thread. (The casting of Brownstoners was terrific. But who’ll direct? John Waters?)

    Regards from the Brooklyn Diaspora,

    Nostalgic on Park Avenue

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