Muggings in Fort Greene
A tipster pointed out to us that the Carlton-Willoughby Block Association began passing out these flyers on Tuesday. The flyers warn that there have been three muggings in as many weeks in or around the Fort Greene area, and that residents should be more inconspicuous and careful when walking alone with iPods and mobile phones….

A tipster pointed out to us that the Carlton-Willoughby Block Association began passing out these flyers on Tuesday. The flyers warn that there have been three muggings in as many weeks in or around the Fort Greene area, and that residents should be more inconspicuous and careful when walking alone with iPods and mobile phones. Of the three muggings, fortunately no one has been seriously injured.
So you would only trip them in cobble hill, CG? That does make perfect sense. tripping is not at all like mugging. tripping is a serendipitous expression of humor in the face of dorkism 🙂
Lechacal, thanks, I think. 🙂
I personally don’t think communism works, and I don’t advocate it as a political solution, but calling someone a communist or a socialist is the new “liberal”, a scary, catch all name designed to strike fear and loathing in the hearts of God-fearing Americans. It’s lazy, useless, inaccurate name-calling that enables the person doing the naming to get away with not having any evidence or even a good definition of the word.
notice i said cobble hill and not carroll gardens, bc in CG we don’t roll like that 🙂
i’ve noticed a lot of people in cobble hill that walk while completely fixated on their blackberry. is it as bad to trip them as it would be to mug them?
And there goes Montrose Morris again with her level headed and well written posts. There is no place on the Internet for that kind of thing. 😉
[for the record, there are a great many things wrong with communism but let’s not open that pandora’s box on this thread]
I think even on the safest streets you need to be aware of your surroundings, day and night. However; it is ridiculous that we have become so used to crime, that we blame the victim when it happens. I should be able to walk down the block, with my personal belongings, without fear of being robbed. Come on people. Kudos to the person who took action by contacting Letitia James. Whether you agree with her politics or not, in this instance she provided a resolution.
bxgrl – That’s awful. Glad all they did was take your money and scare the bejeesus out of you.
lechacal- on Schermerhorn, off Court St. Some years ago now- I moved over here in 2003. It was terrifying and all I could think of was what a moron I was because I knew better.
Obviously, in a perfect world, we would all be free to be dancing down the street to tunes on our Ipods, while texting on our Iphones, between reading a book on our Kindles. (Do we have too many gadgets, or what? One used to just walk down the street.)Well, this isn’t that perfect world. Street smarts are a necessary companion to all of us in any city, any neighborhood. Muggers may prey close to their neighborhoods, or where the opportunity strikes, but they are also smart enough to travel to neighborhoods where the pickings are better. You can get mugged anywhere. Of course we should pressure our electeds to get the police to implement programs to curb street crime, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take sensible precautions to lessen the chances that we are targets. I like my Ipod, but I’ve heard all of the songs on it enough that I don’t need to hear them again, to the detriment of my personal safety. Ditto with talking to people. They can wait 10 minutes. Lechacal’s analogy is correct.
And Tish James is not a communist. Even if she was, so what? The people in her district are lucky they have representation that is out there 24/7, fighting for her constituents. You may or may not agree with her on everything, I happen to disagree on Admiral’s Row, but I greatly admire her energy, dedication, and hard work. Would that all of our politicians worked half as hard. I wish she covered my part of Crown Heights, instead of Al Vann(ished).