A tipster pointed out to us that the Carlton-Willoughby Block Association began passing out these flyers on Tuesday. The flyers warn that there have been three muggings in as many weeks in or around the Fort Greene area, and that residents should be more inconspicuous and careful when walking alone with iPods and mobile phones. Of the three muggings, fortunately no one has been seriously injured.

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  1. Anybody whose primary political focus is to force private landlords to charge less than market rents when they have “market costs” is a fool.

    Either she’s a Communist or she’s a vote pandering leach.

    She’s definitely no free market capitalist, that’s for sure.

  2. “And Tish James is not a communist. Even if she was, so what? The people in her district are lucky they have representation that is out there 24/7, fighting for her constituents. You may or may not agree with her on everything, I happen to disagree on Admiral’s Row, but I greatly admire her energy, dedication, and hard work. Would that all of our politicians worked half as hard. I wish she covered my part of Crown Heights, instead of Al Vann(ished).”
    I feel exactly the same way – only I’m suffering with “sell-out-at-a-drop-of-the-hat Yassky”. How he ever got the Times endorsement is a mystery.

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