Freddy’s Bar and Backroom on Dean St, due to be seized through eminent domain, and demolished for the Barclay’s Arena, installed chains of justice to the bar for protesters to handcuff themselves to when the proprietors are evicted. Yesterday, they staged another media event, a working guillotine made of beer cans, for the execution of an effigy representing Eminent Domain. Complete with costumed Executioner and Death, the event culminated with the decapitation of Poor eminent domain, born of a noble purpose of building hospitals and roads… being used to take Americans from their homes, not just for a British bank but also for Russia. The event apparently drew more media than some of the more important legal and governmental meetings for AY. The fight for Freddy’s is being described by supporters as the bars vs. banks smackdown.
Another Freddy’s Media Event [AY Report]
Photo: Amy Greer/No Land Grab


What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. “Thank God for corrupt politicians and scumbag developers?” Don’t come crying to me when the state seizes your property to make way for a Planet Hollywood.

  2. Thank God for corrupt politicians and scumbag developers! Otherwise, morons like those pictured above would be in charge and we’d have nothing but a hole in the ground for the next century.

  3. waaahhh! Dont take the bar!! wahhhh! now I dont have a place to get trashed afterwork. Waahhhhh! Now I cant sit for 5 hours over a $6 beer and my laptop. WHAaaaaHHH, Please dont take my bar, where in the world would I get another beer! WHAAAAAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    btw, 6 numnuts chained to the bar wont make a difference. Find another cause….
    I have an idea, chain your nuts to the bar.

  4. “This silly street theater will, as the rest of their efforts, accomplish absolutely nothing.”

    Unfortunately true, because scumbag developers and corrupt politicians have got this shit all sewn up.

  5. hey montro’se morri’s. freddy’s yes, barclay’s no.

    is it possible to demolish these 2 pollutions to the human gene pool along with their shitty bar?

  6. These guys have spent too much time playing dungeon and dragons. This silly street theater will, as the rest of their efforts, accomplish absolutely nothing.

    BTW, how many attended this event? 15? 20?

  7. But they do have jobs – they run the bar

    Posted by: infinitejester at December 28, 2009 5:33 PM

    Not the bartenders, IJ, the fauxtesters.

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