brooklyneer-1119.jpgThe Daily News ran a scathing take on the Brooklyneer, the Brooklyn-themed restaurant that has just opened on West Houston Street, in Manhattan. The charge? That the bar is the death knell for Brooklyn. The writer laments that Brooklyn goods – clothing, beer, and culture – are being exported, making Brooklyn a place “about as undiscovered as Times Square.” As the article states, “With the opening of the Brooklyneer, all of the little things you loved about the borough, all those yuppie comforts that borough boosters endlessly trumpet, have been revealed for what they are – things one can buy, and quite easily at that. And now, you don’t even have to go to Brooklyn to buy them.” He’s outraged, although he manages to casually mention he may be part of a movement that pushed out some culture in Brooklyn that came before him. Of course, all the food and drink they’ve assembled from Brooklyn sounds pretty darn good!
Brooklyner Marks the End of Brooklyn Cool [NY Daily News]
Photo via Grub Street

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  1. Ah yes, another pretender to the throne. What makes Brooklyn Brooklyn is not a specific beer, a specific item or any such nonsense. What makes Brooklyn special are the people, the architecture and the attitude. Take those away, and all you have are tourists sucking down beers in a bar across the river.

  2. Ah yes, another pretender to the throne. What makes Brooklyn Brooklyn is not a specific beer, a specific item or any such nonsense. What makes Brooklyn special are the people, the architecture and the attitude. Take those away, and all you have are tourists sucking down beers in a bar across the river.

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