brooklyneer-1119.jpgThe Daily News ran a scathing take on the Brooklyneer, the Brooklyn-themed restaurant that has just opened on West Houston Street, in Manhattan. The charge? That the bar is the death knell for Brooklyn. The writer laments that Brooklyn goods – clothing, beer, and culture – are being exported, making Brooklyn a place “about as undiscovered as Times Square.” As the article states, “With the opening of the Brooklyneer, all of the little things you loved about the borough, all those yuppie comforts that borough boosters endlessly trumpet, have been revealed for what they are – things one can buy, and quite easily at that. And now, you don’t even have to go to Brooklyn to buy them.” He’s outraged, although he manages to casually mention he may be part of a movement that pushed out some culture in Brooklyn that came before him. Of course, all the food and drink they’ve assembled from Brooklyn sounds pretty darn good!
Brooklyner Marks the End of Brooklyn Cool [NY Daily News]
Photo via Grub Street

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  1. the article’s tone strikes me as facetious, are some people taking it seriously? the scenario as presented here was well-trod 10 years ago if not more. everything about new york city has been chopped up and sold as souvenirs in every corner of the globe for decades, the brooklyn thing is nothing new. and as former ohioan i can assure you we had Brooklyn Brown in the mid-90’s.

  2. Wow. Remember when the Village used to be cool on its own merits and people sought to recreate its beatnik vibe, hipster cafes and grungy bars in other places across the country and around the world? Now its just another spot for the college kids to vomit up their last two pints and gyro midway through a pub crawl.

  3. Wow, it appears Brooklyn’s reached the cultural tipping point where it’s now commodified and exported to Manhattan. In another words, Brooklyn’s now a gimmick? Well, I guess this place will have some appeal to people out there…whoever they are.

  4. “I keep thinking we need to build a “Epcot version” of NYC on Governor’s island. Put miniature reconstructions of all the major tourist attractions there, and lure away the worst of the crowds.”

    too close to brooklyn – tourists might accidentally get on a ferry to brooklyn and then clog up the streets while they look at their subway maps and walk 4 a breast on narrow sidewalks.

    plum island – that might be a better location.

  5. I keep thinking we need to build a “Epcot version” of NYC on Governor’s island. Put miniature reconstructions of all the major tourist attractions there, and lure away the worst of the crowds.

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