371carlton031407.jpgGuess it’s not all champagne and bidding wars in Brownstone Brooklyn these days. After about five weeks on the market at $1,895,000, the bricktownhouse at 371 Carlton Avenue has received more than a 10 percent price cut to $1,690,000. Before everyone leaps into hysterics and declares the sky is falling, however, it’s important to note that this is not your standard Fort Greene brownstone. It lacks the grandeur that full stoop brings (though, to a family with small children, this could be seen as a big bonus) and it’s only three real floors of living space; it’s also a three-family, so it doesn’t fit the profile of the most common house hunter. While the interior has lost some of its moldings, the fireplaces and woodwork is intact and the house appears to be in very good overall condition. This big cut should stir up interest, we’d think.

In related news, did anyone else notice that 387 Hancock (discussed here) is back in contract?
371 Carlton Avenue [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark
371 Carlton Avenue Reduction [natefind]

What's Your Take? Leave a Comment

  1. Ha Ha. Make sure you keep us posted, say in 2 years when construction is in full swing and traffic is at a stand-still outside your front door…..

  2. Aw c’mon…NYC is full of fools, and you know what they say about fools and their money (I was actually thinking of opening up a brokerage called The Separators). No matter what they charge, some fool at some point will pay it b/c there’s more dollars than sense (pun intended) here.

  3. 7:28, you should also try to avoid watching the news, and in general try to be as poorly informed as possible. It’ll be hard to do keep your head in the sand as time goes by, but given what you want to believe, this is your best strategy.

    Good luck with it.

  4. The spread of HIV is perhaps one of the best things that could happen to NYC. I’ve had it up to hear with all of you naysayers!

  5. “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”
    “Your argument is banal and facile…”

    Hey, you’re right…I believe it even more…Thanks, dude.

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