One of my tenants (3 roommates) are super dirty! I haven’t gone into their apartment for a year or so but my husband has been in and said their kitchen floor (grey slate tile) is pitch black as well as their light hardwood floors. The stove is always covered with dirty pots and pans and caked with crusty food. Bathtub, also black. As a landlord can I or should I say anything to them about it?
It kills me to think of the wear and tear on my property. and yes, we’ve had to exterminate for mice more than once.
What’s the protocol?

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  1. Hey, if it is your house and they create bad energy, get rid of them. Brownstones are intimate spaces and if you don’t like the tenant just make your life better by saying bye bye. Why suffer? Just don’t renew the lease. I love my tenants; I can’t believe how lucky I am, but I really inherited one doozy, now long gone thanks to NY State tenant landlord court. Just say bye bye.

  2. I had a landlord once who chastised us if she saw a single dirty dish in the sink.

    On day, we needed access to the back through her yard for cable. She said, “I’m on the way out and very busy.” Of course we got in and saw her sink full of dishes. I stared at them for like 10 seconds and moved on.

    She didnt renew our lease.

  3. You like collecting a good heafty rent from three hard working tenents? Well then buy a cat or a mask. I can’t believe some people should be greatful tenants are still paying their rents after homeowners got free money from the government. And now I even have to hear of wear and tear on the tiles! Don’t rent it and keep it clean as you like. You want the rent and no one living there plus a 300 dollar check from City Hall. Go work for a living will ya!

  4. You see, it’s landlords like cillmylandlord_again’s that drive otherwise good people to buy overpriced real estate in Brooklyn. “Lame” rentals full of pigeon poop, rats, dirty underwear in the hall. Then again, maybe that’s a way to get rid of tenants you don’t like. That and increasing the rent 500 percent in one month.

  5. yeah the comment about intentionally ruining someones credit is just heartless and mean


  6. My old landlords were filty and crazy. They used to leave dirty underwear in the hallway…and feces in the washing machine. So…should I have charged them a security deposit and ruined their credit?

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