The Flea is on!
Please disregard any comments by impersonators – the Flea is definitely on! See you there!
Please disregard any comments by impersonators – the Flea is definitely on! See you there!
Please disregard any comments by impersonators – the Flea is definitely on! See you there!
Please disregard any comments by impersonators – the Flea is definitely on! See you there!
As for more antique and used furniture, we are already loading up the truck for our next visit on April 27th. We sold ALL our furniture (antique and our own line) except dfor one vanity. I hope the people will be more patient and let this evolve into what you really what it to be. Dollars talk. If the stuff sells, vendors will be back. One weekend doesn’t make a market, good or bad, but I’m still perplexed over some of the negative comments. Why should anyone care if a mom or dad want to spend the day pushing a stroller through a flea market? You have a great quality of life event there and you should nurture it and not be so quick to trash it. Complaining with suggestion is like……….. (fill in the blank).
I think it was a nice success as far as people attendance, despite the weather but watch out for the fine line of Flea market and arts and craft crap! you should be more selective on the vendors, there were very few antique furniture’s there, and prague kolektiv is just a promotion for the store without any flea market prices, hopefully will get better!
I was a vendor and was very happy with how the day went. Great turnout dispite the weather.
As far as t shirts being overpriced,
I sell things for less at markets than I do online and in shops. Most other vendors do too. People appreciate it and it helps me sell more.
I had one person comment that the t shirts I was selling for $20 were to much. It cracked me up. To anyone who thinks that $20 is to much for a hand printed t shirt…
Please understand I BUY quality blank shirt, spend time coming up with great designs, make and shoot screens, print them myself, heat set them, fold, package and lable them, organize them MYSELF and bring them to market. $20 is a great deal!!
Kudos to Eric and Jon for putting on a great market!
This site annonced that the Flea was cancelled! What gives??? I’d have been there but I thought it would be an empty lot.
Couldn’t go. But hope Brownstoner runs pix Monday!
too much kids clothing, not enough adult clothing.
Couldn’t go. But hope Brownstoner runs pix Monday!
I wish Brownstoner would get rid of this whole comments feature. The world would feel so much safer and happier. Really, why do you continue keeping this feature? It is just a forum for people to badger and spit out garbage left and right.
Maybe because at least this way they have a venue, and if they didn’t they might become actual criminals?
So much semantics, flea market, vintage market…it is better than the overpriced sausage fests that go on all summer. They did a good job and it will only get better. Lazy blog posters, create something from scratch, then accuse.
I also so a ton of people buying things. Just saying.
How much should someone charge for a hand made, individually created t shirt anyway? If you do not like it, go on over to Target, where they have $8 shirts made in China by $5 year olds. Is that better?
fun but overpriced. as stated enough with the $49 tote bags ($8 at strand). the food line was ridiculous. how many people need expensive t-shirts? i used to go to the chelsea flea market and let me tell you it was not the chelsea flea market. you need to find a happy medium, and i’m not talking about including tube socks. not all of us who live in the neighborhood can afford yuppie stuff. no wonder most people were just “window shopping”-keep it up and you won’t have any repeat customer.