If you are planning on purchasing a new home or refinancing your existing home you’ll want to join our free webinar “Affordable Lending Tips From the Pros” on Friday, May 7 at 3 p.m.

home lending webinar

Four Citibank home lending officers from Long Island and New York City, Adrian Intriago, Elissa Goldes, Kira Guzman, and Julie Kerzner-Keery, will walk you through the many options available to you and discuss topics such as:

What are the benefits of first time homebuyer programs and how do you qualify for them? What types of down payment and closing cost assistance programs are available, and how you can apply for them? Are there low down payment options for repeat buyers? Does a low down payment affect the interest rate of the loan? Are affordable lending options available when refinancing?

The free event is sponsored by Citibank.

Register here.

To learn about hosting and sponsorship opportunities for Brownstoner Home Events, please get in touch here.

[Photos via Unsplash]

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