We’ve never taken a good look at a rental unit in the Andrea, the Fort Greene building at 218 Myrtle that will soon have a CVS and a supermarket. This two bedroom looks very tasteful, if not huge. The rent of $2,450/month isn’t crazy for a new building pretty darn close to downtown, where apartments go for more. What do ya think?
218 Myrtle Avenue, #5E [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Can we find a special home for the fine hard working folks at DOB? I’m thinking basement space. between the boiler room and children’s playroom and across the hall from the garbage room.

  2. People who work for the city should get priority for public housing; I’ve always thought incredibly dumb to give priority to teenagers who just became mothers. You don’t have to be Einstein to see how the law of unintended consequences will play out. If you make les than $40,000 and work for NYC, your name should go at the top of the list. That would reward staying in school and working.

  3. it’s really convenient location if you’re a social worker that does a lot of home visits in the projects. You can even say you live there!

    Of course, the rent is $30,000 a year or all of your take-home pay, so… I guess this wouldn’t work.