Rental of the Day: A Room in 830 Prospect Place
Every once in awhile we like to see what rooms in shares are asking around Brooklyn. This one is in a three-family building in Crown Heights and the kitchen and bathroom is shared. (What it doesn’t specify is how many people you’re sharing with!) While we’re totally smitten with this building, the room itself isn’t…

Every once in awhile we like to see what rooms in shares are asking around Brooklyn. This one is in a three-family building in Crown Heights and the kitchen and bathroom is shared. (What it doesn’t specify is how many people you’re sharing with!) While we’re totally smitten with this building, the room itself isn’t big and the original asking rent of $780/month was pie in the sky. Now the rent is down to $660, still on the higher side for a place between Nostrand and New York Avenue. What do you think this will go for?
830 Prospect Place [Joan Joseph-Alexander] GMAP P*Shark
At what age is it weird to have a non-partner roommate?
65 in nyc, 30 for the rest of the country.
I happen to know several families clamoring for this SRO, dh.
oh please dixie – most stuck up new-brooklyn families wouldn’t be caught dead renting the spaces 20-somethings are sharing nowadays.
dixie is right, nyc is seriously becoming America’s post college dormatory. kinda gross. tho actual families moving here is kinda grosser.
The fact that this is listed with a broker, and apparently has been vacant since mid-December, definitely makes me think this is not your typical craigslist roommate situation and more of an SRO deal.
DeadCatBounce – it does sometimes feel like Brooklyn is a big dorm for people in their 20s (and 30s, and maybe 40s…), doesn’t it? It seems cyclical, in that 3BR apartments get priced with the assumption that there are three incomes paying for them. So when it’s actually a couple with two deadbeat non-child laborers? seems like you get priced out by the young professionals.
You know it *rob*!
And look at all the bartenders, maitre d’s, and waiters we support.
For that alone, we should get a tax break.
I think your chances of finding something nicer in a two bedroom with a roommate are better than striking it out on your own for one bedroom or studio with half the rental budget.
that is exactly true and my situation. if i were to look for a one bedroom or a studio i would only be able to afford the ghetto or some place with a crap commute.
“makes me wonder: where do grownups live?”
It depends on how you want to live. I think your chances of finding something nicer in a two bedroom with a roommate are better than striking it out on your own for one bedroom or studio with half the rental budget.
As usual, singles are forced to overpay for housing in this town.
thank you!!!! and we pay the lions share of the taxes!!! and we use the least amount of social services!!