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  1. “While this thread disintegrated early on. I found some of the posts amusing, a few defusing and many dehumanizing.”

    BRG, that sounded very Jesse Jackson-esque. Did you ever write for him? Please join me in yesterday’s closing bell. We have some work to do re: the next ‘Stoner party.

  2. WOW!!! Thank god I had work to do yesterday.

    While this thread disintegrated early on. I found some of the posts amusing, a few defusing and many dehumanizing.

    What a disarray and petty display of inappropriate shallowness.

    Everybody, have some Egg Nog! And spike it a little.

    Congratulations, Wasder! Another girl to the mix, you will be blessed. Please share the news when she arrives.

  3. Wasderettes! Thanks Montrose! Love it. Now that I have my chromosomes straight maybe I can work on #3. I think my wife would have something to say about that! In fact, I think this is it for us.

  4. Late to the party, so most importantly, congratulations, Wasder, for the iminent arrival of another Wasderette. You are good people, and I’m sure you and Mrs. Wasder will bring up thoughtful and creative children.

    Cobblehiller, it’s only the internet. To meet and talk to you is to like you very much. In the long run, nothing here really matters. It’s the real world that counts.

    Dave, Boston Legal is the best! I’m going to miss it. I looked forward to Alan’s rants, where he always managed to skewer just about every one equally, and he was usually right. The relationship between him and Denny was one of the best written, and touching friendships on television.

    Also, Dave, I’ve learned more about financial stuff from you than any one else I know or read. Please keep it up, and I truly thank you.

    Montrose Morris, PBA

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