houseDitmas Park
498 Westminster Road
Brooklyn Properties
Sunday, 12-1:30
GMAP P*Shark

136 Newton Street
Sunday, 1:30-2:30
GMAP P*Shark

housePark Slope
320 15th Street
Sunday, 1-2:30
GMAP P*Shark

houseBed Stuy
48 Madison Street
Sunday, 11:30-1
GMAP P*Shark

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  1. Ohmagosh. Went to the open house for the 15th St. property. It’s one thing to look at a floorplan and say a house is small. It’s another thing entirely to go look at it with furniture in it. YIKES! The so-called living room is literally miniature. The upstairs layout is worse than it looks on paper (we are talking essentially a one bedroom house as is right now), and the kitchen feels shabby at best. Now don’t get me wrong, this is totally enough space for me as a singleton who will never have kids. But it’s still gotta be reconfigured. All of it. It’s so unbelievably choppy and cramped that I’m stunned. Even if you are into minimalism, you’d be hard pressed to feel like you can turn around in this house. There were lots of people at the open house, lots of small families. They seemed none too happy about the living and bedroom situation. The way the upstairs rooms are set up, it appears that the parents have the one real bedroom in the front, a toddler has the bedroom right in front of the bathroom, and a pre-teen has the bedroom behind the bathroom. Ten bucks says they are moving for space/layout reasons. The buyer/broker will be hard pressed to find someone willing to pay almost a million for this property. I’m no pricing guru, but after what I’ve seen today, I feel confident in saying that this thing is way overpriced. But I suppose it only takes one person…

  2. Agreed, the 15th street house layout is so ill conceived it’s making me have a neurotic, crazed OCD moment wanting to just get in there and fix it. It’s pretty bold to ask that price without changing that layout first.

    The Ditmas house is not going to appeal to many families of young kids with that huge deck and swimming pool filling the entire backyard. In general the house is very old school Brooklyn in taste from top to bottom inside and out.

  3. The 4th floor on the “Clinton Hill” house is set back from the front of the house. The ceilings are really low in the front on that top floor (not standing height). The spaces are really choppy in this place and the photos show the nicest views. There really isn’t a lot of detail left. I think it needs a much bigger price chop, especially since it’s an SRO.

  4. 999k for a fixer in that location in Greenpoint seems high.

    There’s a house in the historic district that’s been on the market for a while @ 1.1ish (on Milton, I think) that doesn’t need nearly as much work and in a better location (although I like this location too)

  5. “they’ll leave $90K behind.”

    Hopefully they’ll leave that $90k under a floorboard so the new owner can pull it out and use it to fix that top floor situation 😉

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