404 VanderbiltFort Greene
404 Vanderbilt Avenue
Sunday 1-2:30 pm

557 7thPark Slope
557 7th Street
Fillmore Real Estate
Saturday 3-5 pm
Sunday 12-3 pm

glenwoodDitmas Park
1710 Glenwood Road
Sunday 2-4 pm

rutlandProspect Lefferts
91 Rutland Road
Brown Harris Stevens
Sunday 2-5 pm

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  1. there’s no chance in the world that a 4 story on Vanderbilt b/w greene and gates goes for anything near 1.1 — more like 1.75, if it is really subject to discount. its blocks from the Prospect Heights section of Vanderbilt which is becoming quite the restaurant/gallery/shopping strip; the Ratner and Ratner related development is also fueling values in this part of FG/CH (for better or worse), and let’s face it — FG/CH/PH are just hotter neighborhoods right now than Cobble Hill. (And you would be hard pressed to find a 4 story — even in crappy condition — in Bk Hts for less than 3M).

  2. Just saw 404 Vanderbilt. Load of beautiful details, moldings, wood floors, the works. BUT this house if not on a prime Fort Greene block – assuming there is one. (Am I the only one who has noticed that on South Portland everyone still has bars on their windows?) This house a good 3 – 4 long blocks from DeKalb Ave and its not on a beautiful tree lined street. Your view from the “gracious parlor floor windows” is basically dreary low income housing. This house needs at least 2 to 3 hundred thousand more to bring it up to speed too. (kitchen needs to be moved, bathrooms need to be updated and who knows what you’ll find when your contractor start opening up walls) At 1.9, that sounds like a steal to me.

    So here’s a question, why on earth would you pay this kind of money in this neighborhood? Especially when you could live in Cobble or the Heights for about the same and those are much more stable hoods. Can we all get a little common sense here?

    Remember, no amount of detailed molding can overcome the fact that this will always be a edgy neighborhood. There’s not transiting what you can’t transform.

    Levelhead says offer $1.1

  3. I thought the dutch colonial was charming from the exterior photo, though not jaw droppingly beatiful like some other homes in the area. It looks as though some of the porch has been enclosed to create another room though. Haven’t been inside. Looks like a lot of panelling and some detail remain, if heavily painted. It’s also a little smaller (5 beds) than some other houses, although I suppose that could translate to easier to maintain. What are the real problems with the place? Although I agree, it does seem overpriced even with the scant knowledge I have…

  4. Yes, I concur, the glenwood st house has been on the market for many months !!! No pictures from corcoran, but the pictures on Brooklyn Properties were the pits. Now they are no longer even selling this place.

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