Open House Picks
Fort Greene 404 Vanderbilt Avenue Corcoran Sunday 1-2:30 pm $1,900,000 Park Slope 557 7th Street Fillmore Real Estate Saturday 3-5 pm Sunday 12-3 pm $1,850,000 Ditmas Park 1710 Glenwood Road Corcoran Sunday 2-4 pm $1,195,000 Prospect Lefferts 91 Rutland Road Brown Harris Stevens Sunday 2-5 pm $875,000
Fort Greene
404 Vanderbilt Avenue
Sunday 1-2:30 pm
Park Slope
557 7th Street
Fillmore Real Estate
Saturday 3-5 pm
Sunday 12-3 pm
Ditmas Park
1710 Glenwood Road
Sunday 2-4 pm
Prospect Lefferts
91 Rutland Road
Brown Harris Stevens
Sunday 2-5 pm
I checked out the Lefferts house and its great! It has more charm than the exterior allows. Interesting because it is warm and more cottage like. Kitchen can stand a renovation but is currently functional. I think if you go in not expecting the formality of a grand-styled brownstone, you can like it too. The Prospect Lefferts House tour really showed the fine qualities of the neighborhood. The Rutland Road house is a bargain!
I drove down Vanderbilt last night. It’s a pretty dingy block. Total shocker if this place goes for 1.9.
Ive lived on a prime Prospect Heights block for 6 years without bars on the windows. Hasnt been an issue.
Hey, I live on a prime North Slope block, and I “still” have bars on my windows. Why would anyone take bars down once they’ve been installed? They add a level of security, and they’re decorative to boot. Personally, I think anyone with a townhouse anywhere in New York City who does NOT have bars on their ground floor windows is asking for trouble.
To the anonymous person who speaks of crack viles and bars on windows – just wondering which Brooklyn neighborhoods you would consider to be a wise purchase in this market? For what it’s worth, I live in CH and wouldn’t change it for a thing — including the diversity that I’m guessing, by the tone of your e-mail, you find so unsettling.
Get off your high-horse. FT/CT are still very much emerging neighborhoods. (Yes, at one time, say a hundred years ago, it must have been beatiful). How else to explain the bars on the windows etc. I guess there’s people out there who still want to step over crack viles when they leave their multi-million dollar mansions. If your going to pay that kind of money, it better at least be near Fort Greene park and on a tree-lined street.
I hope Brownstoner can keep us all informed of the outcome of the sale. We can all have a good giggle.
Maybe $1.9M is overpriced for the Vanderbilt house but I imagine Minsky and the owners are more interested in the inclinations of qualified, in the market buyers than those of bitter renters priced out of even this ‘glorified ghetto’.
‘Emerging neighborhoods’? What does that mean….I thought by the age of the homes they have been neighborhoods for well over 100 years.
All neighborhoods change over years and will always chnage. ‘Discovered’ is another term that gets me.
What do you think it sounds like to people that have lived in these neighborhoods their whole life?
And to the commenter who
refers to place as glorified ghetto- Move to Idaho.
Fact of the matter is FT/CH are still emerging neighorhoods and prices should reflect that.