Houses of the Day: St. Marks Beauty Contest
Both of these houses on St. Marks Place between Carlton and 6th seem pricey to us, but the one on the left (#126, we think) seems like a relative bargain at $2.3 million when lined up against the $2.99 million asking price of the one on the right (#144). The $2.3 million 2-family house is…

Both of these houses on St. Marks Place between Carlton and 6th seem pricey to us, but the one on the left (#126, we think) seems like a relative bargain at $2.3 million when lined up against the $2.99 million asking price of the one on the right (#144). The $2.3 million 2-family house is quite lovely inside, with oodles of walnut paneling and origingal plaster moldings; were it on the other side of the tracks (Flatbush, that is) it would seem attractively priced to us. Regardless, it’s a beautiful place that someone may fall in love with and buy for close to the ask. Number 144, however, is a complete joke: $2.99 million for a house that’s chopped up into 8 co-op apartments (which, we gather, are also on the market at the same time); add to this the fact that the property needs a significant amount of work. What are they thinking?
126 (?) St. Marks Avenue [Brooklyn Properties]
144 St. Marks Avenue [Citi-Habitats] GMAP P*Shark
I looked at all 8 of these units yesterday, and I don’t quite understand how people who have not seen them are able to comment. They are neither “tiny” nor “pretty scary.” Yes, they need some work, but the original details in these units are quite nice. All but one or two units are 1 bedrooms, and at under 300K make a pretty excellent bargain for a first time home buyer who is willing and able to put in a little time and money to restoring them to their original grandeur.
You know a part of CH thats close to transportation? i hope you arent talking about the G train…
(semi joking)
I’ve never been a big fan of Carroll Gardens or Cobble Hill. Or even Bklyn Hgts for that matter. Although I recognize that these are fabulous areas, it’s just not my cup o’ tea. Too polished for me. So, yes I would prefer to live in those parts of FG, CH or PH, close to good transportation.
i chose clinton hill over cobble hill and definitely carroll gardens. as an african american brownstone owner whose kids go to school in brooklyn heights, i personally wanted a little diversity. those two neighborhoods don’t have it.
From what I saw on CitiHabitats website it looks like the brokers are trying to sell this both ways: unit by unit or the whole magilla.
Seems a bit strange, no? And the units are pretty scary. Maintenance is listed at 168/month. hmmm…
Prospect Heights is still kinda under-appreciated as a neighborhood. It’s fantastically convenient transportation-wise: the Q at 7th Ave, the 2/3 at Bergen (or Grand Army Plaza), and I can walk to Atlantic Ave if necessary for even more options. The park is 10 minutes away, also the museum, the botanical gdns and the library. In the other direction, there’s BAM and Target. Also, all the shopping and restaurants of the Slope + a 24-hr Key Food and a very large 24-hr Korean grocery on Flatbush. Few of the blocks are as pretty as FG/CH and it’s not as posh as Cobble Hill, but we do enjoy enormous backyards (most lots are 130 ft deep). Prime houses have been selling for over $2m for at least 12mos. When we bought here in ’99, we had just been priced out of FG. But now we’re not sorry — the conveniences are just too significant. Cobble Hill was always beyond our budget and we never looked seriously at Carroll Gdns: too much reliance on the slow F train and no park.
i like FG a lot because of park and proximity to subways but for me FG does NOT extend thru vanderbilt. But i agree on PH or CH, especially CH, nice houses but not convenient at all…
As for corcoran’s mark down – has anyone else noticed that corcoran seems to be getting less new listings than others lately?
I know I gonna get flamed, but there are just not enough people whose first choice of a neighborhood is PH, Clinton Hill or Fort Green to justify $2 mln plus prices for all but the most unique and large properties when you can live in Carroll Gardens or Cobble Hill for the same price. I mean would anyone really say “I’d rtaher live in CH, PH or FG than Cob Hill or CG” POssibly, possibly, FG, but CH or PH, no freaking way. I’m curious, how many of you who bought in those nabes would have rather bought in Carroll Gardens or Cobble Hill, but were priced out at the time of purchase?
On the topic of over priced.
Perhaps in response to the debate several weeks ago. The Corcoran listing at 899 Union Street has been reduced $500,000!! From $2.75m to $2.25m.