Houses of the Day: St. Marks Beauty Contest
Both of these houses on St. Marks Place between Carlton and 6th seem pricey to us, but the one on the left (#126, we think) seems like a relative bargain at $2.3 million when lined up against the $2.99 million asking price of the one on the right (#144). The $2.3 million 2-family house is…

Both of these houses on St. Marks Place between Carlton and 6th seem pricey to us, but the one on the left (#126, we think) seems like a relative bargain at $2.3 million when lined up against the $2.99 million asking price of the one on the right (#144). The $2.3 million 2-family house is quite lovely inside, with oodles of walnut paneling and origingal plaster moldings; were it on the other side of the tracks (Flatbush, that is) it would seem attractively priced to us. Regardless, it’s a beautiful place that someone may fall in love with and buy for close to the ask. Number 144, however, is a complete joke: $2.99 million for a house that’s chopped up into 8 co-op apartments (which, we gather, are also on the market at the same time); add to this the fact that the property needs a significant amount of work. What are they thinking?
126 (?) St. Marks Avenue [Brooklyn Properties]
144 St. Marks Avenue [Citi-Habitats] GMAP P*Shark
someone should send a letter to the owners of both building especially the coop or condo one.
are you nuts!!!! 2.9 mil for a beatup house . which needs tons of work! stop smoking crack ya’ll.
yes sir $2 AMERICAN DOLLARS! no less!
Dear Anon 2:51pm,
I live in a brownstone on the next block of St Marks which appears to have built at the same time, possibly by the same builder (based on both the exterior appearance of 144 and looking at the interior photos). So I know it’s a potentially a great building. But how would you resolve the issue of moving into a newly converted but unrenovated coop? Who would pay for the overhaul of the basics mechanics (roof, facade, plumbing, electrical, mains water supply, structural repairs/upgrades etc?). It just concerns me that a newbie coop owner could be walking into a whole mess of unanticipated assessment costs — without the advantages of a deep-pocketed sponsor or a large number of apt owners to share the costs.
Don’t have to rank on other neighborhood to build up esteem of your own.
and btw Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens are 3 or 4 stops to Manhattan – so don’t know how your 5 stops beats it (if that is your major criteria).
And after living in Carroll garden/CobbleHill for past 30 years I have to laugh when called too polished or that all neighbors look alike or all houses look alike.
BTW – always thought well of FG and Clinton Hill even 30 years ago.
yeah – ive taken the “C”, in general though i dont like to depend only on 1 train choice. hence why i prefer FG (walk to Q/R and 2/3 isnt too bad).
to be clear – i do like diversity of FG and CH to CG/Bor. Hill too. I just dont love the walk to the clinton/wash station nor do i like the station.
2:34, I was talking about the C train. (Thanks, 3:36.) However, I’ve got it even better in Bed Stuy as I’m right around the corner from the A. I was on the F line in the Slope for years. Ugh.
I’d _MUCH_ rather live in some parts of FG (say between DeKalb and Greene) than in many parts of CG (say anything west of Clinton Street). And certainly over anything further on the F train.
But that may be because I am subway-motivated.
Hello anon at 2.34 – ever ride the “C”?!! It’s a block and a half from where I live in “prime” CH, and is 5 stops to Manhattan! That beats all of Cobble Hill and Carroll Gardens in terms of transportation, PLUS people in my nabe, and houses to boot, don’t all look alike!!
I stand rightly scolded for judging based on a few bad photos; but as a brownstone coop treasurer for 12 years (in PH), my scepticism remains on the financial scariness of purchasing an invidual unit or the whole building