House of the Day: 580 Carlton Avenue
Here’s an interesting one…This 1850s house at 580 Carlton Avenue in Prospect Heights just hit the market with an attention-getting asking price of $499,000. The reason for the low price, first and foremost, has to be the fact that the listings exhorts potential buyers to “Bring your architect and prepare to rebuild.” Translation: The interior…

Here’s an interesting one…This 1850s house at 580 Carlton Avenue in Prospect Heights just hit the market with an attention-getting asking price of $499,000. The reason for the low price, first and foremost, has to be the fact that the listings exhorts potential buyers to “Bring your architect and prepare to rebuild.” Translation: The interior is shot. The house is also on the small side and within a few blocks, but not right on top of, Atlantic Yards. Still, could be an interesting project for the right person!
580 Carlton Avenue [Corcoran] GMAP P*Shark
Selling the space as a lot is the only rational approach at this point. The house has been neglected for so long and consequently is in such poor condition that LPC cannot realistically hope that anyone will spend the money to restore the house. As in many other cases they now have the choice to be intransigent and allow the house to sit there, unsold, until fire or water take it to the ground or else acknowledge reality and allow someone to replace it with something livable. Having worked with the LPC before my bet is that they stick to their guns and demand that the house remain as is, an eyesore and potential danger to passers by, rather than approving a new, neighborhood sensitive design. When it comes to architecture age does not intrinsically confer value and it is a mystery to me why when it comes to development so many people insist that looking backwards is better than looking forward.
What drugs is brooklynbutler on? “$500,000 for renovation.” I was actually in contract for $450,000 and thought it would be a good deal. Then, met with architects AND, more importantly, Landmarks Preservation rep. House is supposedly “one of the oldest in the neighborhood” and “has historical significance”. Translated, the means $$$ and also cannot build much bigger than it is right now, which is very small. Total disgusting shambles inside (about to fall down), but will be hard to tear down with LPC. Front facade will have to be restored to old grandeur. Bottom line, Good Luck. We got out of contract and are glad we did. If someone wants to spend well over a million, and fight with LPC for years, more power to you.
Yes, a sensible way to look at this would be the value of the lot. Any buyer would be well advised to approach Landmarks in advance and see whether the agency would be prepared to work with them and allow some flexibility. Otherwise, the task becomes too Sisyphean. But truly, unless you could buy both buildings it just wouldn’t be worthwhile.
Isn’t it always the case when a house in the expensive part of Brooklyn is listed for something affordable sounding, $400,000 or so, it’s always a complete tear down because of extensive termite or water damage. So it’s still overpriced.
What would an empty lot cost?
I have construction experience in NJ that is in some ways similar. In NJ there are “grandfathered” houses that are directly waterfront, that by current NJ DEP regulations would need to be 250′ buffered from Mean high water or wetlands designation.
So we have rebuilt some of these homes leaving one wall standing (in this case the front facade). So I am suggesting that basically new construction can support and rebuild the existing front wall if necessary to satisfy landmark requirements, while allowing for a relatively blank slate for future layouts.
With a row house it would be tricky demo’ing the entire rear, but if nothing else is saveable, it can be done.
I was in meetings all day. God I can’t wait to retire. I saw the photo of this house and thought I might add something. Thank you Grand Army for setting the record straight a bit.
Indeed, an elderly gentleman lived here for many, many years, got older and finally, the inevitable…I remember when the the police had tape up on the doorway. At the time I assumed he passed away in his home.
Whenever I passed by, we always said hello. He seemed to be out in front of the house quite a bit. Even then, quite a number of years ago, when he had the door ajar, a mildewy, heavy odor emanated from the interior. Poor thing living in that! I got a glimpse in once or twice.
This was years ago, so I would assume the house, being empty, is really falling in on itself.
Now… I don’t think this is a short lot, is it? I always thought it was fairly deep. I hope someone can do something with this, and soon!
There are so many problems here, where to begin?
The two houses are owned by the same family who have neglected them for decades. The only resident (a family member) died about 3-4 years ago. The family dithered until after landmarking had come into effect and put this one up for sale for $899k. Now the big reduction — and not before time! But it still makes no sense to buy just one and be next door to an eyesore that’s also a fire trap. They need to put them both on the market to stand a chance of making a sale.
Neighbors had encouraged the family to sell up years ago — back in the day when renovations weren’t so costly, and a long time before landmarking. Both houses are truly teardowns. Viwed from the rear, they are little more than tar paper shacks. If I had the cash, I’d love to rebuild them as wood-frame reproductions perhaps with mansard roofs to get in an extra floor. But unless an angel comes along (and the family agrees to sell both properties) I doubt now that anything will happen until they collapse and are demolished.
Yes, Amzi, I believe that since the demo of a sweet old woodframe farmhouse that dated from the 1830s-40s, on St Marks btw Vanderbilt and Underhill, these are now the oldest houses in the neighborhood.
And most likely the traffic will become much worse (especially on game nights!), as is the case for all surrounding streets.