This studio at 96 Schermerhorn Street in Brooklyn Heights is only 505 square feet, but the owners, and architects, have managed to pack in quite a bit of stuff through a system of custom cabinets and sleeping platforms. It’s very attractively done, but it’s hard to imagine someone with a small child electing to make this place their home. After all, having your toddler asleep behind a curtain while you try to watch TV just a few feet away seems suboptimal to us. Seems more likely that this sells to a bachelor who converts the crib alcove into guest crash-pad. The maintenance is $877 and the asking price is $340,000.
96 Schermerhorn [FSBO] GMAP P*Shark

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  1. 11217, those are 2 great alternatives but they too are no bargains. people looking at these premo hoods aint too concerned about the monthlies (buy or rent) and “saving” is a foreign concept

  2. “The maintenance is $877 and the asking price is $340,000.”

    There wasn’t any attempted value judgment here! Where is the “And the $877 maintenance sounds reasonable.” Mr. B are you feeling under the weather? Allergies?

  3. “yes, you can probably find a one bedroom somewhere at this price, but not re-done like this and not in Brooklyn Heights”

    1) Per streeteasy both 9G and 10G are on the market for $299,000. So they are asking $40,000 for the unique design features, which seems steep.
    2) Maintenance is very high.
    3) Location is convenient. That said, not sure if it’s Brooklyn Heights or Boerum Hill but it lacks the aesthetic appeal of the better parts of either.

  4. 1) We’re not claiming it; call it downtown or the Heights, but its not Boerum

    2) Historically units in that doorman building are a good deal on a psf basis. Given that smallish 1-bdrm and studios tend to be slightly higher for that metric, $673 seems about right; that is lower psf than either BH nabe, so it takes into account the higher maintenance

  5. So basically, you have to climb on the built in cabinets to get to the loft areas. Wear socks with traction….and don’t look down.
    And i can’t see how you’d climb the cube stairs to the very top loft without going from left cube to right cube to left cube to right cute to left…..fun!

  6. is it before or after the tax deduction that it’s $2400? our mortgage has been reduced a MINIMUM of $1500 every year for the last 3 years because of the mortgage interest tax deduction.

    very well done – like that there’s a real dining room table and a desk space plus a real sleeping area that’s not a pull out.

    yes, you can probably find a one bedroom somewhere at this price, but not re-done like this and not in Brooklyn Heights, so more of a value then posters are giving credit here for.

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