Co-op of the Day: Dekalb Avenue Two Bedroom
There was enough debate about yesterday’s co-op of the day (which we thought was a good deal despite the unusual flip tax) that we thought we would line it up against another similarly priced property. The first we stumbled across was this two bedroom co-op in Clinton Hill. It’s within $2,000 and 20 square feet…
There was enough debate about yesterday’s co-op of the day (which we thought was a good deal despite the unusual flip tax) that we thought we would line it up against another similarly priced property. The first we stumbled across was this two bedroom co-op in Clinton Hill. It’s within $2,000 and 20 square feet of the Eastern Parkway place but, as far as we can tell, completely devoid of charm. The listing speaks of 12-foot ceilings and walls of windows but the pics don’t bear that out. Just looks like a spectacular waste of money to us. Is there any reason you can think of that someone would pick this place over yesterday’s?
Dekalb Avenue Two Bedroom [Ardor NY]
Co-op of the Day: Eastern Parkway Two Bedroom [Brownstoner]
I lived in CH for 6 years (moved to FG in December ’06). I lived on Clinton Avenue btwn Greene & Lafayette. There are plenty of amenities. I always find that people that complain about the lack of amenities in CH actually live in BS and just don’t know it. Either that or they find the idea of walking for two or three blocks to all that Dekalb and Lafayett have to offer to large of a journey.
i lived in CH proper for over a decade…its a wonderful neighbourhood..its no Park Slope and that’s one of the things I love about..sadly enough thats changing.
2:03, you’re the one bringing the hate merely by throwing out for the 2nd time in two days the absurd accusation that PLG people are the ONLY ones who EVER bash other neighborhoods. Who do you think you’re kidding? We’ve all seen every single Brooklyn neighborhood bash the other, here at different times. Which is about ego and elitism ALL over Brooklyn, not just in one place. What exactly IS your agenda, anyway? What kind of no-life loser sits on this site and actually goes out of his way to find ways and means to bash people in specific neighborhoods? I don’t even live in PLG. I’ve just seen your type of nasty troll action happen often enough to know you’re simply a liar, and to call you out on it.
i moved into this building last year, after looking at tons of 2 br all over pslope, fg, and ph. i considered a similarly priced 2br on eastern pkwy, but didn’t feel as safe there as in clinton hill. all the comparably priced 2 brs i saw in pslope, even all the way over near greenwood, may have technically been 2 brs, but were in the 750 – 800 sq ft range. i don’t know about this particular layout in clinton mews, but the one i am in is approx 1100 sq feet, tons of closets and windows, w/d, new kitchen. for me it was a simple case of more for the $$. there is 24-hour security and parking. restaurants/stores on myrtle and fg are easily accessible, and i’ve had no problems with the G or C train. seems like walking a couple of blocks to the subway or store is just part of city life, whatever.
I work downtown and use the C train like most manhattan workers who reside in clinton hill and fort greene. I’ve worked in midtown (40 minutes door to door on a good day) and downtown now (a little less than 20 minutes door to door on a good day).
Clinton Hill amenities are more spread out and concentrated on Myrtle. PH’s are mostly all in one strip. Both neighborhoods are nice. I’m not sure if there are numerically more amenities or not than PH. There are amenities though, and I think more will arrive as the Clinton Hill stretch of Fulton Street continues to be developed as it is now. Myrtle and Fulton will act as the main commercial/amenity strips on the North and South of the nabe. The apartment in question is near Myrtle, which is already full of restaurants and shops, but a good walk from the subway. I think overall, Clinton Hill and PH (the blocks of PH not near the AY construction site) have a bright future.
I agree with “the one”. You have to admit the G train is pretty useless.
What amenities in CH??? You have to walk several blocks to find anything and still there are not many options. If you live on or near Flatbush or Vanderbilt in PH you are far better off although I think that Eastern Parkway is dicey although very beautiful.
meant to say “than most of clinton hill”. I like both nabes, not trying to start a debate.
372 Dekalb avenue across from Pratt is a converted warehouse that is a coop building. I don’t even think there are any projects in clinton hill proper (i.e. between Vanderbilt and Classon, Park and Atlantic). I personally feel that parts of Eastern P. Heights are more dicey than most of P. Heights, though I like both neighborhoods very much.