Last month a tipster passed along news that the infamous, dilapidated townhouse on the corner of 7th Avenue and 2nd Street sold “in a closing that lasted all night.” Well, the sale just hit public records for the grand sum of $4.2 million. It’s listed as an eight-unit building. The former owners had this building in their possession for years and recently struggled with a long foreclosure battle. The buyers are under an LLC but the deed lists a Manhattan address that either leads to Sugar Hill Capital or New Holland Residencies. Both are real estate firms that work in Brooklyn, although Sugar Hill specifically acquires and repurposes multi-family building in New York. We can hardly imagine what kind of shape the interior is in. That’s a high price to pay, likely accounting for the amazing location.
Did 7th Avenue Wreck Finally Sell? [Brownstoner] GMAP

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  1. I walk past every day dropping my son at school across the street. He was shocked when I pointed out from across the street that you could see blue sky through the holes in the roof.

  2. This makes me very happy! That eyesore has been a wreck for 30 years, but it was a classic Victorian building waiting to be saved. The windows were long gone, parts of the roof are missing, and rainwater and pigeons got in through every possible opening. The sidewalk shed never made me feel more at ease, and after one window fell to the curb I worried about the safety of the elementary school kids crossing the street. The only parts worth saving are the exterior walls. A developer pretty much has a blank slate inside. I wish them well!

  3. i can only think of 2 or 3 prime board ups left in the slope.

    quite a few have changed hands in the last couple years.

  4. Yep, same two crazy characters. They used to actually live there. Meanwhile two board-ups at 14th St. bet. 6th and 7th have shown signs of work being done, first time in the two years we’ve lived nearby. We used to live around the corner from the crazy woman and insane daughter mentioned above.