
A cooperative of 40 to 60 Willets Point businesses signed a lease to leave Willets Point and relocate to Hunts Point in the Bronx, reports the Wall Street Journal. The group — which calls itself the Sunrise Cooperative — is mostly made up of auto body and repair shops. It’s the largest group to leave Willets Point, and in a relocation agreement with the city will be eligible for $2,000,000. Two thirds of 130 Willets Point businesses accepted city benefits to relocate (the city stopped offering any benefits at the end of January), despite many businesses opposing the city’s relocation deal.

Now around 50 businesses remain in the area, still refusing to leave. The city hopes to vacate Willets Point by spring in order to make way for a mega-mall development as well as 2,500 units of housing.

Willets Point Shops Ink Deal [Wall Street Journal]
All Willets Point coverage [Q’Stoner]

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  1. Just what Hunts point needs, more auto shops to further pollute. The place already looks like some post apocalypse third world city. In 10 years when Brooklyn and Queens is too expensive and people start heading to the south Bronx, we will be paying these same people to move yet again so we can redevelop Hunts Point.