Monarch on orange milkweedThe American Littoral Society and the Broad Channel middle school P.S. 47 are holding a fundraiser to help restore New York City’s milkweed habitat for the monarch butterfly. According to the Society, “Once numbering in the tens of millions, the monarch’s numbers have been severely reduced due to habitat loss in North America. Their life cycle depends on one family of plants – the milkweeds.” The milkweed will be planted in open fields and vacant lots throughout New York and New Jersey. The fundraiser, with a goal of $1,500, is to purchase the milkweed plants in time for the first planting at the end of April at the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge. The American Littoral Society and P.S. 47 already met their funding goal, but the groups are still accepting donations. And for just today, the National Parks Conservation Association will match every individual donation up to $50 until 11:59 pm. If you are interested in donating, go here.

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